Chapter 12

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I was escorted to the centre and front of the crowd by a hefty security guard. He dragged me through the crowd much to the despair of many skimpily dressed girls. All I could hear was them talking about the boys in the band. I was pressed against the stage barrier, with loud chatter behind me. 

"Oh god. The guitarist and bassist are so gorgeous. They could play me any day" A loud strong American accent sounded from one of the many blonde nests of hair. The girls all had frazzled hair that was teased about 3 inches too high.

"I personally would go for the singer, he just looks so exotic" another one called 

"Are we really going to ignore that drummer? I would shag him any day" The comment struck jealously through me. She was talking about Roger. He was mine. I shook it off and positioned myself so I had a perfect view of the whole set. The crowd was buzzing in anticipation. If I am completely honest I felt nervous for the boys, it was there first big gig. Though I knew they would be amazing, nerves still haunted me a little. Just as my thoughts thickened, the lights dimmed until it was completely dark. A series of excited whoops came from the crowd as a huge crash from the symbols sounded in the large hall. A quick piano sounded a medley I remembered as one of my favourites, the seven seas of rhye. 

"Fear me you lords and lady preachers

I descend upon your earth from the skies
I command your very souls you unbelievers
Bring before me what is mine
The seven seas of rhye!" I screamed in excitement and immediately began jumping with the crowd, I was overcome with emotions and screamed 

"YESSSS FREDDIE!" Freddie looked into the crowd giving me an excited wave, before prancing off across the stage. Ever the performer Freddie had the audience in the palm of his hand. They all looked fabulous in their outfits, I was so proud of myself. Roger banged the drums again his arms flexing and making me lick my lips in lust. He saw me looking at him and winked at me before playing the final fill with a flourish then final blowing a kiss. A girl behind me giggled twirling her hair. She must have thought Roger blew a kiss at her, I turned around and shot her a deathly glare.

"Hello all you beautiful people" Freddie boomed in to the microphone 

" I am so happy see all you my darlings. I would like to introduce our band"  Freddie signalled to Brian 

"The beautiful Brian May on guitar" Brian gave a small wave 

"John Richard Deacon our fabulous bassist" John smiled happily 

"And our lovely Roger on drums" A series of whistles came from the crowd along with screams from a few girls 

"Oh, very popular" Freddie smirked winking playfully at me making me roll my eyes  

"And I am Freddie Mercury, your fabulous front man for tonight" He smiled "Now let's do this my darlings" 

The set began again, and they were fabulous. I couldn't take my eyes off of them for one second. Brian's fingers danced over the guitar playing riff after fabulous riff. John displayed some of his signature dance moves, this bass line giving a fuller feeling to every song. Freddie danced across the stage holding the audience in the palm of his hand throughout the entire concert. And Roger, the way he played those drums, oh god. He had a sweat covering him and he had taken off his jacket, his hair was tousled and frenzied on his head. He hit the final symbol and the show was over. 

"Thank you, we love you!" Freddie yelled a final time and the lights went out. A  deafening scream sounded from the crowd as everyone roared in adoration of the band. They had gone down a storm, praise of the new band was flying around the still buzzing room. Whoops and claps were ringing in my ears. The hefty security guard came back and greeted me, shoving and pushing through the crowd creating a path for me. I ran through the doors as soon as I made it through the backstage doors and crashed into someone immediately.

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