Chapter 31

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Hey guys, would anyone be interested in designing me a new cover for this fanfic? comment or PM me

Harmony Lily, my older and only sibling. She had a sweet exterior but in the past had become the living embodiment of evil. Her soft angelic looks were masked by the witchy clothes she wore. Whenever she got involved in your life, it meant trouble.

"Harmony?" I said a coldness running through my voice "What can I do for you?"

"I just wanted to check up on you Birdie" the old nickname still stung. Our parents being as spiritual as they are gave me the middle name Dove, meaning peace. When we were younger Harmony discovered a dove was a 'birdie' and the nickname stuck thereafter.

"I can't believe you are dating a bigshot rock star now! Is it true, is he amazing in bed?" I could almost see the smirk plastered on her face and I choked out


"I'm kidding birdie, but I bet I could show him a trick or two though..." she trailed off making my blood boil. "Anyway Birdie, I have settled down a little. I met a guy and we were wondering if you and Roger would like to join us for lunch? With mum and dad too, introduce them to our men!"

"Eh...I'll need to check with Rog. His schedule is crazy and I have a million things with the boutique and my new line-"

"Okay Birdie, just let me know." She hung up the phone

I heard the door softly click behind me and my head whipped around to see a flustered Roger in the doorframe

"Sorry Evie. It was open, I just- Force of habit-" he trailed off leaving a rather uncomfortable silence lingering in the night's brisk air.

"It's fine Rog come in" I smiled, everything between us seemed to move robotically each move seeming well programmed and calculated. It was so unlike the chaotic mess we usually were, we both sat down in a orderly fashion. Neither of us quite knowing how we stood or how to act upon the situation. I opened my mouth to speak but Roger cut in first

"I have been an arse Lily Pad, I am sorry. I guess I just got insecure, we have been getting a lot of negative feedback on the album. Although there has been positive too I keep seeming to dwell on the negative. I poured my heart and soul in to that album, WE poured our heart and soul in to that album. Everyone has been asking me about you in the interviews, predominantly the male reporters keep commenting on how gorgeous you are. It's true Evie, you are beautiful you could have anyone. I just can't loose you again" he finished, his eyes glassing over with burning tears threatening to fall.

"I'm sorry too Rog, I just wanted to make sure everything was right before I told my parents. I didn't want to get hurt again. You mean so much to me, let me make it up to you" I smirked at him.

My eyes darkened and he licked his lips


*smut warning*

It had been so long since Roger and I had been intimate, every movement was burning with pent up desire. I quickly ripped my silky dress over my head, following with the polo neck. Leaving me exposed under Roger's burning gaze. His eyes wandered up and down my barely clothed body. His fingers gently trailed down my chest, each touch leaving my skin on fire. He planted a few gentle kisses along my neck and jaw.

Each one growing more sloppy than the last. He began to kiss down to the valley between my breasts, biting at the sensitive skin making soft moans tumble from my parted lips. He kissed all the way down to the line of my panties, my core now burning in desire.

(SMUT) Lily Of The Valley - Roger Taylor/Ben Hardy (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now