Chapter 13

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The backstage crew were running about crazily. This time the band was in a different and even bigger venue. I was desperately trying to hem a pair of John's trousers before he went on stage. Roger was proving to be quite the distraction and he knew it. He was standing across the room looking directly at me. He unbuttoned his shirt painfully slowly, before letting the flimsy object drop to the ground. He then proceeded to take an adequate amount of time to parade around, flexing his abs and smirking cockily. He then picked up the jacket I had sewn, running his fingers over the smooth fabric. He then slipped a tight, crisp white shirt on over his muscular arms and began to button it up incredibly slowly. smirking at me he did up the final button.

"OW SHIT!" I yelled

"Oh god, oh no. Evie are you okay? I ca-"

"I am fine John, honestly. Just caught myself with the needle. I was a little... uh distracted" I quickly finished the hem of his trousers and rushed back to my sewing box. Trying to keep thoughts of Roger from clouding my head. I was preoccupied rolling a small ribbon round a reel into a tight bound when a pair of arms wrapped around me drawing small circles on my hips. I could feel his warm breath fanning on the back of my neck. He smirked behind me, guiding my hips so I would turn around and meet him. He untied the messy bun that sat on the top of my head, my hair cascaded down my back tumbling in untidy waves his fingers ran gracefully through my hair. Tucking a piece lovingly behind my ear and kissing me softly on the tip of my nose. He kept kissing me moving down my cheek, planting a small trailing butterfly kisses. He paused before my lips, our lips brushed over one another's gently. I smiled, my lips curving upward. I closed my eyes as Roger pressed his lips on mine. Our lips melted together in a lustful passion, his tongue ran over my bottom lip as I opened my mouth allowing his tongue to enter my mouth and fight with mine. We played, both of us fighting for dominance, until I finally caved and let Roger win. His hands were curving around my ass and squeezing it roughly. I felt self conscious in the public display of the the lustful kiss. My skin burned hot under his touch, I knew that would only encourage Rog.  We were entangled in each other for several minutes until we heard a loud deliberate cough from behind us. We turned to see an amused John and disappointed looking Brian standing side by side with their arms identically folded. Roger and I broke apart awkwardly standing shoulder to shoulder.

"So eh, John. Bri. You guys both look great. Evie did a really fantastic job don't you think?" Roger babbled trying to fill the awkward silence

"Apparently that's not the only thing she is fantastic at" John smiled a mixture of amusement and menacing crossing his face. Winking at Roger in the process. The penny dropped and I realised what he was talking about. He meant the bedroom. I looked over at Roger who was in the mirror pretending to be busy fixing his hair

"Oh Roger, fuck off. You didn't, did you?!" I said exasperated, his head whipped round as I watched him rapidly try to backtrack the situation

"When you are that good at something people have the right to know. Plus you are the first girl the band has actually properly liked, so I get bragging rights" he said haughtily folding his arms and making me raise my eyebrows.

"I HEARD YOU WERE VERY FLEXIBLE EVELYN" Freddie yelled making the situation worse before bolting out the room and down the hall

"I'M GONNA KILL YOU FREDDIE" Roger yelled running out the door after him

"I'LL THROW AWAY YOUR MARACAS" Freddie retorted laughing menacingly 

"NOT IF I KILL YOU BOTH FIRST" I yelled speeding down the hall way after them, before crashing into them both and landing in a messy pile on the floor. I rubbed my back I had landed mostly on top of Freddie and Roger, but it had still hurt. We all groaned in unison sitting up and rubbing where it hurt. We turned once again to see the fatherly figure of Brian looming above us with his arms still folded.

(SMUT) Lily Of The Valley - Roger Taylor/Ben Hardy (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now