Chapter 2

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I woke up the next morning my head pounding and stomach churning. I groaned loudly as I rolled out of my bed, my limbs sprawling clumsily in the morning light. I quickly threw on a silk wrap and dragged myself to the kitchen. I filled the kettle and placed it on my stove as I opened the doors to my balcony, the sunlight of the morning after was always the brightest. I smiled through the sharp pain in my forehead as I thought of all the fun I had last night. I stretched my arms up to the sky and exhaled a deep breath then glanced down to the little silver watch I wore constantly.

6:45, shit. I need to get ready for work

I ran out of the shower to my room, I ransacked my wardrobe and pulled out a glorious floral patterned jumpsuit I had sewn the other week. I layered few necklaces and slotted a few rings on, I slipped on a pair of my favourite platforms that were worn and comfortable for a day on my feet. I lastly grabbed a huge jacket and rushed out the door my keys jingling in the lock as I ran out of my apartment building


After about 10 minutes I reached the store where I work, I loved it. It was called 'Hidden boutique' it had a bohemian and street style vibe. I sometimes sold a few of my own designs in the shop. My boss Vanity smiled as I walked in, her style was beautiful. She wore assortments of beads and beautiful flowing dresses, that contrasted with her glowing caramel skin. We always had records playing softly in the background as we worked. I ran my hands along the soft fabric of the new trousers that had been brought in

Vanity spoke, her voice warm and comforting "Hey Girl, you okay? Look a little rough. But beautiful as always my darling"

I laughed, trying to comb my fingers through my hair to rectify some of the damage "Thanks V, I went out last night"

"On a Wednesday? That's not like you" She raised her eyebrows

"I can be spontaneous V"

"MMhmm okay girl" She winked

My shift passed quickly as we had a steady flow of customers, Vanity and I worked hard and my headache subsided. Everyone who shopped in our store had completely different styles, it fascinated me to see how everyone wore different items and made them their own. I thought about the band, each had their own individual style that worked with their personality but somehow each one intertwined perfectly with the other. Their music still echoed in my brain I could feel the beat and hear Freddie's voice soaring through the crowded room.

Freddie, shit. Fred still had my jacket. My lovely jacket that I had spent so long sewing, scrimping for the last shreds of fabric 

I trudged home, the sun had clouded over and now a gloomy grey was draped over the city. I quietly unlocked my door and threw myself in through the door. I sighed as I walked through my beloved apartment. Small green plants covered the whole apartment as patterned and crocheted blankets and cushions covered every seat and sofa. I has copper lights to match my pots and pans they flickered with the reflection of fairy lights. My bedroom was covered in polaroids and magazine cut outs to inspire my fashion projects. Then I had my favourite room in my whole house. I had a room dedicated solely to my sewing, a large singer machine sat in front of the loft flat window with tens of rolls of fabrics covering the walls of the room. I let out a blissful smile and closed the door to my escape. I stripped off my clothes and got ready for a long awaited shower, I stepped in the hot water gently washing away my worries. I soaked my hair and let the water spiral down the drain. I stepped out again a peace washing over me.

RING! shit, you have got to be kidding me

My doorbell rang just as I had stepped out the shower, I quickly grabbed my blue silk kimono covered with dainty white swans, my hair dripping a trail behind me.

(SMUT) Lily Of The Valley - Roger Taylor/Ben Hardy (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now