Chapter 19

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I sat on the pavement tears gushing down my face, hailing the nearest taxi. My sobs thickened, I climbed in to the taxi slowly. Mascara ridden tears soaked my cheeks, leaving salty trails of black. 

I managed to gasp out between tears "Th- The The Airport please" 

The taxi ride was long, slow and quiet. Leaving me trapped, alone with my thoughts. My sad reflection was ghostly white in the dirty window. My hair was a matted mess, and my eyes were red and bloodshot. But f you looked closely enough you could see that they contained a truly broken soul. I almost blamed myself, for being so stupid to think a man such as Roger would ever settle for someone like me. Why would he do this to me? How could he after knowing everything about me? Why would he do this? Questions flew around, never leaving my head, as I played with the fabric of my stupid gorgeous dress that I had put so much effort in to. 

I stumbled out of the taxi, frantically throwing a few notes at the driver. I slammed the door and looked at the airport looming above me. It no longer symbolised hope and a new start. It was betrayal and hatred. I stumbled my way to a payphone shivering in the growlingly cold night air. I punched in the number of the only person I wanted to talk to right now. The cold ring echoed eerily a few times before the receiver at the other end clicked and picked up 


"Hey- Hey Mary" I sniffled down the phone "It's Evie" 

"Hey Evie... darling is everything okay?" Mary's warm voice sounded down the phone 

"No. Not really" I breathed "I just saw Roger, with Chrystal" Tears began streaming down my face again as the image replayed over and over in my head

"I cant do it again Mary. I really can't" I cried now tears washing over me "It's all coming back, everything with Paul. Roger makes-- made me so happy. But I can't be humiliated like this, not again" 

"THAT BITCH, Roger is such an idiot" Mary yelled, her warm tone taking on a sinister tone "When she gets back here. I swear to god I'm gonna wring her fucking neck. I may look pretty. But I can fight" 

I laughed coldly, the warmth not quite filling the sound in my mouth.

 "Hey look Mary. I better go" I said quietly down the receiver. We said our goodbyes and I hung up the receiver leaning my back to the phone and letting the tears flood my face once again. I shivered the night drawing in a cold gale. I sighed and wrapped my arms around my body, aware I was still dressed in my party dress. The sight of it now made me sick. Looking up at the menacing airport looming before me. I took a few steps toward it, my legs still trembling and my heels clopping loudly in the silence of night. It was late, hardly anyone was here. Apart from a group of men dressed in suits who looked as if they were in LA on business.

 I settled myself in to a nearby chair, shifting trying to find some sort of comfort in the lumpy , old seat. I wrapped my arms around myself defensively. I felt weak and helpless, fatigue was clouding my head. Making my eyes droop and head lull back involuntarily. I drifted in to a jerking restless slumber, Dominated by nightmares. 


The blistering sunlight streaming through a large glass exterior window awoke me the next morning. I rubbed the back of my neck, as it was crippled slightly with last night's uncomfortable sleep. I stood up, attempting to smooth out my wrinkled dress. 

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO?!" I heard the familiar voice shout and saw Holly shouting angrily at Paul Prenter. Who was looking a little ruffled from the harshness in her tone, she was never a fan of the man.

(SMUT) Lily Of The Valley - Roger Taylor/Ben Hardy (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now