Chapter 11

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The sun shone over the hustling city of LA, Roger stepped out of the plane behind me then giving me a playful pinch just above my ass. I looked back to see him smirking at me, he looked gorgeous. His blonde wavy hair ruffled from the long flight, his blue eyes piercing and his shirt nearly unbuttoned. I licked my lips looking him up and down, suddenly my foot got caught in one of the steps during my distraction. I tumbled dramatically down the stairs my hair billowing wildly behind my back. Bouncing down the steps I came to a halt as my face smacked the concrete. I groaned sitting up slowly. A slim arm pulled me up to meet them and I turned to see a familiar red curly head of hair. The girl's brown eyes widened as I looked at her. It was her, that bitch. Francie my bridesmaid who had run off with Paul at our wedding. I had known her since I was 4, our Mum's had been friends and we had gone to school together. She was always there for me. Until my wedding day.

Her mouth hung ugly and slack until she sweetly chimed "Evelyn, How are you?" hugging me tightly

"Quite the fall you had there, rather embarrassing actually. But that's just so you, not afraid to be embarrassed or of judgement. And your outfit. Its so....BOLD" I followed her gaze up and back down me. I self consciously covered myself up the best I could. As I did so I felt a strong pair of arms wrap around my waist pulling me close.

"Babe are you okay?" Roger said in my ear, a concerned furrow in his brow. He planted a million kisses along my head and paused as his gaze faltered to Francie. 

"Hi. do we know you?" A sassy tone lacing his rough voice 

"Oh gosh, has Evelyn not told me about you?" she flipped her hair momentarily and raised her hand to cover her mouth in surprise "Probably didn't want to be upstaged" she said smirking looking Roger up and down. MY Roger. 

"What are you doing here anyway? Francesca" I snarled at Francie the tone coming out harsher than intended and earning an amused huff from my boyfriend who wrapped his arms tighter around my waist 

"Paul is working here, I'm coming out to stay with him" I inhaled sharply at the mention of Paul's name, my body tensed and I knew Roger could feel how uncomfortable I was "You remember Paul right? Evelyn?"

"Lily Pad, we better be heading off. We have a lot to do" Roger said, graciously saving me. 

"Lily Pad? How....quaint" She gave the both of us a tight lipped smile and flounced off toward the terminal. I stood my eyes wide and still in shock over the encounter. I had been dating Roger for a number of months now. I knew he used to sleep around a lot so I didn't dare ask about his past relationships. To be honest the topic had never really came up between us, now after this encounter I would need to trust him fully. To tell him what only Vanity and my parents knew. I had to tell him about Paul. 


A modest Van sat waiting for the band. I watched Roger's eyes light up as he spotted it. I laughed clinging tightly to his arm, lavishing in the comfort he gave me. I needed to tell him, everything about Paul and Francie and my wedding. He looked at my, his eyes swimming with worry. He could tell something was wrong with me. Over the last months I had opened up more to him than I had to anyone in a really long time. It scared me, but excited me all at the same time. I trusted him, I really did. But something was holding me back from diving in fully. I hadn't felt like this with any man since... since Paul. Roger's eyes were still fixed on me ,  I dragged my gaze up to meet him. His brow was furrowed with concern, he wrapped his arm tightly around his waist. He leaned down and kissed me gently on the lips, the kiss spoke 1000 words. It was warm and comforting. Reassuring and gentle. It said 'everything is going to be okay'. I thanked myself for having Roger. He held my hand and guided me into the backseat of the van. He was like a kid in a candy store, his eyes lit up and he immediately started playing with every imaginable object. 

(SMUT) Lily Of The Valley - Roger Taylor/Ben Hardy (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now