Chapter 34

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  The last week or so had been an emotional rollercoaster for me. Roger had been all over the place, he didn't know what to do with himself now the band wasn't together. I knew Brian and John felt the same way. Although all of them had degrees and were all very smart, they loved music. I knew that and I knew it was hard. John's wedding was up and coming, within the month. They had shifted the date due to the band splitting, which had only added to Holly's stress levels. To help her and try and act as a distraction for ourselves, Roger and I had offered to babysit Callie for her. To be honest, I hardly knew anything about children. I had met his younger sister Clare upon meeting his family, but she was an absolute delight. Roger walked out of the bedroom. He was dressed extremely casually compared to usual, it was so unlike him

"Hey babe" I said as happily as possible "You look nice"

"We both know I don't. I just don't feel like myself" he said sadly "I feel like if I'm not some well known drummer then why should I dress like it. Otherwise I just look like an arse"

"Well I personally think you could look hot in anything Meddows. You'll be back to yourself soon enough. Plus your career shouldn't define what you chose to wear, you define that" I smiled stroking my hand over his chest. He smiled down at me, I was wearing a green flowy floral dress. 

"You look beautiful Evie" he placed a kiss gently to my temple "I seem to forget to tell you that sometimes" I smiled back at him, drinking in the rare moment of us slipping back in to normality. 

RING! A doorbell went signalling someone was at the door. Roger moved to it quickly, his upper arms tensing up as he heaved the large door open. 

"Hello" A tired looking Holly stood at the door, a baby in her hands. Callie lay in her arms beautifully, her bright eyes blinking curiously at Roger. He couldn't seem to help the smile that crept on to his afce as he cooed 

"Hey Holly and Hello little Callie. Aren't you just beautiful?"

"Well I do try" Holly said flipping her hair jokingly as Roger scooped Callie from her arms and she threw herself on the sofa. Letting out a sigh of relief. 

"Been a hard week huh?" I said handing her a much needed and very strong cup of coffee. Roger was in the corner playing peek-a-boo with Callie.

"Yes, John as been so upset. I hate seeing him like this, he has been using up all his energy with Callie too. So we have hardly spent any time together. I miss him"

"Well, go spend some time with him. Show him what he is missing. I have a dress you can borrow if you want" I smiled at her, almost devilishly 

"A Evelyn Lily orginial?" She gasped jokingly "I hear those are hard to comeby nowadays"

"Not if you know the right people" I laughed back, leaving Roger playing with Callie and leading Holly in to our room. I rummaged through the wardrobe that was stuffed to the brim with bright clothes that belonged to both Roger and I. I finally found what I was looking for, a dark navy blue satin dress. It clung at the waist tightly, the rest rather flowing

"Oh wow Evie" Holly gasped "It's gorgeous" I handed her the dress 

"It's all yours" I smiled "Now go, enjoy a night with John. Roger and I will take care of Callie" I said swallowing a little nervously. She smiled and thanked me again telling us she couldn't thank us enough over and over before leaving.

"Isn't she gorgeous Evie?" Roger said smiling down at the baby in his arms, she looked so tiny comapred to him. I smiled at the both of them, her small hands kept reaching out in a starfish attempting to grab strands of Rog's long golden hair. I picked up a nearby camera and snapped this adorable action between the two of them. Roger looked utterly in his element 

(SMUT) Lily Of The Valley - Roger Taylor/Ben Hardy (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now