Chapter 4

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"Wow you look beautiful" Roger's mouth hung open as if he couldn't believe who was standing before him. He looked unbelievable, he wore a form fitting top so his chest flexed with every movement he made. I was nearly drooling at the sight of him

"Thank you Rog" I smiled sweetly, nervously playing with my rings

He bowed and spoke in absurdly posh accent "Shall we my lady?" He offered my his arm and I happily looped mine through his as we bounded out of my apartment building. My eyes sparkled and I squealed with excitement. I'm sure my neighbours would complain to me tomorrow. 

"Rog? Are you kidding?"

A saloon stood in front of us. Gleaming, black and sleek in the evening dusk. He patted his hand along the bonnet, smiling at the car in front of him

"Oh god, Don't tell me you are in love with your car" I rolled my eyes teasingly

"Get In Lily Pad" he smirked holding opening a gleaming door. I slowly got in giving him a flash of my upper legs. His eyebrows immediately shot up as he gave a smirk that could melt me instantly. My fears began to melt away as I began to feel comfortable around the man towering over me. 

"Don't get too excited just yet Lover Boy" I smirked back

"Lover boy huh?" He nodded slowly "I like it"

He slipped into the car and revved the engine earning looks from the surrounding public. He sped off as we headed out of the city. We spoke and argued about utter nonsense for nearly an hour. Roger drove quickly, his fingers tapping a beat on the steering wheel

"Rog where are we actually going, we have been driving for an hour now?"

"Nearly there Lily Pad"

The sky was now a midnight blue and sprinkled with a dusting of glittering stars. He pulled in at the side of the road and got out of the car. He took my hand and helped me out before he quickly went and fetched something from the boot. he returned carrying a basket. He lead me down a path and there on top of a hill sat a porch, glittering with fairy lights. A single table sat in the middle with two seats surrounding it. Roger took my hand and dragged me onto the porch. I gasped, a perfect view. I could see the glittering city of London, silent despite the never ending life that occupied it. I sighed closing my eyes and fully absorbing the moment of bliss. I heard a soft chuckle from behind me and turned to see Roger standing with the basket in his hand.

"You look amazing when you are happy, do you know that?" He said

"Give over Meddows"

"I prefer Roger or baby"

"Not yet Meddows. Not yet" I looked at his hand, my confidence growing "So what's in the basket?"

"Well my love, it's a picnic I have prepared for us tonight. Well it actually turned out to not be me doing it, John thought I was going to burn the house down so he stepped in and did most of the work" 

"Rog, Thank you. That's very sweet"

"I told you I can be good" he smirked "But I like being bad"

I rolled my eyes trying to ignore the backflips my stomach was doing. Roger  grinned at me and began to unpack the picnic. It contained perfectly symmetrical sandwiches. Colourful salads and possibly too much wine. Roger swiftly poured a glass and handed it to me. I took a long gulp feeling the cold liquid trickle down my throat. I breathed in a deep breath of fresh, crisp night air. I smiled looking up at Roger, I slowly looked him up and down. Drinking in every detail ; his wavy blonde locks, broad shoulders and crystal blue eyes.

"Are you checking me out Evie?" He smirked. I spluttered into my glass. My cheeks turning beetroot red in the pale moonlight. He put his hand on my cheek and I inhaled sharply loosing myself in his swirling eyes. Then his hand slowly moved down to where his shirt was, and excruciatingly slowly he unbuttoned yet another button on his shirt. Nearly his entire chest was exposed now. I found myself dreaming of my hands running over him. He leaned back taking a long sip of his wine

"Bon appetit Lily Pad" he said raising his glass with a smirk


Hours passed as we spoke and argue about utterly pointless things. I discovered Rog had a 4 octave vocal range, I have to admit it was beautiful to hear. He sang a soft serenade that quickly turned into a harsh rock ballad making me giggle. He was wonderful; funny, sweet and so  unbelievably attractive. I found myself constantly drifting into my thoughts of him and I, together.

"Evie did you hear me?" Roger questioned softly. I snapped out of my thoughts quickly and sharply turned to see a sheepish looking Roger

"I asked if you wanted to dance" he questioned, holding his hand out

"I would love to, Lover boy" I gently placed my smaller hand in his large palms and he pulled me tightly against his chest. He stood a lot taller than me and rested his chin on the top of my head. We swayed gently to a non existent beat. I could feel Roger's heart pulsing as I softly lay my head on his chest . He suddenly released me and spun me, my hair flying in every direction as a wide smile and laugh broke out across my face. He quickly pulled me back to his chest as his arms snaked around my waist. As he reached down to brush a stray hair out of my face, our eyes met. I felt myself melting into his soft blue iris', my hands slowly crept up to his hair as I tangled my fingers through his soft, wavy locks. He leaned down toward me painfully slowly as I stood on my tiptoes to meet him. We paused for a second our lips softly brushing against one another until we collided. Our lips melted together in a soft passion, he expertly moved his lips  mine his hands wrapping tighter around my waist to pull me impossibly closer to him. I tugged gently on strands of his hair a soft moan leaving my lips. Our tongues danced with one another, both of us sinking deeper into the kiss. I smiled against his lips and gently pulled away. His hands stayed around my waist as mine rested gently around his neck. We both stood intertwined in one another until Roger broke the silence

"Wow" he sighed looking down at me

"Yeah, Wow" I agreed softly.

We made our way back to Roger's car, our hands happily linked in each other's. He drove me all the way home pointing out all his favourite spots in London along the way. We sang gently and he constantly complimented me making a dusty blush cross my face. We arrived again outside my apartment building, I looked up at the stars and the moon lighting up the blue velvety sky.

"Isn't the view beautiful?" I asked staring up at the dark night sky as we got out of the car

"Sure is" he said staring directly at me and winking.

"Shut up Meddows" I said teasingly, Grabbing his jacket collar and pulling him closer to me

"Evelyn, I am simply just trying to compliment you. Can you not just take the damn compliment and jus-"

"Shut up and kiss me" I said wrapping my arms around his neck

 He said grabbed me by the waist and pulling me closer to him. Our warm lips crashed together my eyes slowly fluttering shut as I fell into a blissful kiss with Roger. As our lips parted he tucked another loose curl behind my ear.

"You look very beautiful tonight Evie" He smiled softly at me

"You look very beautiful too Roger. Goodnight" I said planting one last soft kiss on his lips, as he laughed and frowning a little at me

"Goodnight Lily Pad" he whispered as he let go of my hand. I slowly shut the door behind me to my apartment building

That was amazing

hey guys hope you are all enjoying the story so far. I just wanted to know if you guys want smuts in this story or if you just want it heavily implied. Please let me know

Love you all, evie xx

(SMUT) Lily Of The Valley - Roger Taylor/Ben Hardy (COMPLETED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora