Chapter 1

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Keenan Coopers Point of View

Money money and money.

The only thing that gives you power, position, respect in the present world is money.

The more you have, the more you will be invincible.

And I am invincible. No one can cross me and live a peaceful life. Sometimes even I am jealous of myself for having good looks, better senses, great charms, wonderful smile, attracting eyes, every inch of me is a wonder of its own.

Not to mention, with Coopers name attached to me, world did, is and will always revolve around me. I was born to rule the world and being the CEO of Coopers Empire, I'm nothing less than a modern version of a king.

Well, ladies see me as prince charming which is partly true too.

"Mr. Coopers, we think you should recheck the deal quotation again." Mr. Smith, the director of Pacific Bank told trying to not meet my eyes.

I narrowed my eyes at the bold man who has audacity to recheck the quotation I made personally?

Did he forget whom he is speaking to? I am Keenan Coopers, for goodness sake!

" I - I agree with Mr. Smith. We cannot go with the deal with such a quotation where you are the one who bags most of the profits. This is clearly not reasonable at all." France Trevor, PA of Mr. Smith spoke which made me see red.

Is he questioning my capability?

And of course I plan to grab as much profits as I can but I am allowing them to earn the best too. It is not like I am taking away food from their mouths! I am being generous enough to give them more than they dreamt of and here, I am being questioned for my generosity?

"So what? We work hard to get profits and I work smart to get extra profits. But it does not mean you are not getting a share you planned to. You will get more than what you planned to get within the percentage I offer." I said confidently placing the contract paper before Mr. Smith.

I'm giving them an opportunity to work with me and they are complaining about the profit share.

Damn. Doesn't these two know what kind of favors they receive by simply affiliating my name to theirs? They will be treated no less than royals.

Even governments nod their heads in positive when they see Coopers stamp on their papers. These people are clearly ignorant about me and the power I hold.

"That is not possible. To get the gain we planned in such small percentage... it's not possible." Mr. Smith said reading the clauses of the contract I produced.

And I am a God of turning impossible to something possible. Nothing related to Keenan Coopers is unattainable.

Even heavens, Gods and Fates knows about it.

"Everything is possible for Keenan Coopers." I said smirking at the old man and walked out of the meeting room with confidence that the deal is mine.

Dealing with Coopers is one thing and dealing with Keenan Coopers is completely another matter.

I am the dragon of business world, a new generation of smartness coated with smoothness.

"Mr. Coopers" "Mr. Coopers" My PA, Libra came running to me with a concerned face.

She's the usual f*** me type girl with exposing clothes and sultry looks.

I once did a mistake of sleeping with her and boy was it boring. She just looks sexy but does not feel sexy at all. Sex with her was such a boring sport. I wasted my time that night going for her instead I would have gotten a good satisfying girl.

Controlling Mr. Coopers - (Mister Twister series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now