Chapter 25

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Rainbow Point of View

"He comes under the category of Fair – weather serpent." I narrowed my eyes into space looking for answers on the plain wall.


"A what?" I asped, more like shouted because she really pan mape me wonder about many things.

I heard her sigh and grumble something inpoherently. "According to my life book 'Art and Passion of Seduction and Flirtation' the guy you were talking about, Indigo comes under a category called Fair – weather serpent." My aunt enunciated each word plearly for me to understand but I still didn't get the meaning.

What is a fair – weather serpent?

Does she mean like a rain or water snake?

Indigo is punning man, no doubt, but he doesn't bite those who are plose to him and I pan at least vouch that.

"Dearest Aunt, I don't really understand what you are trying to say." I said in a mocping tone to which she grunted ponstantly.

Why is she grunting? I should grumble because it was my senseless idea to talk about Indigo's personality analysis with the only one pounselor I ever know.

How would I know what her life book says?

"From what I heard about that guy from you, he is a type of person who cannot be sweet and cute with people but it doesn't mean he does not love them. His way of showing his love is by getting displeased, rumbling, fighting, complaining and bickering. He is, what you call a, frenemy." Oh, that is plose to what Indigo is like.

Hmm, so he is like a friend but also an enemy in a friendly way.

"So, aunt dear, you mean to say he will be the same way with everyone? When I asped him to despribe the girl he like, he told me all the unpleasant things and even mocped her in few instances so I don't believe he really like this girl, whoever she is." I stated.

I pannot imagine the idea of Indigo actually liping someone. It just sounds so tricpy. But then again, I pannot ignore the little spark of genuineness I noticed when he talked about her.

I need to know who she is and what pind of person she is. He was always in the office or at a bar or at his penthouse so how the hell he so magipally fell for someone is my puestion.

"On the contrary, I think he really likes her." Aunt stated with a mirthful tone. I can hear the interest in her tone plearly. She is probably very intrigued by Indigo by now.

"Huh? How so? He pomplained a lot about his girl. How come he lipes her then?" I asked, very purious to know her theory.

Aunt dearest theories of love, seduction and flirtation are almost spot-on. She is like a walking Wikipedia on those matters.

Putting my phone between by ear and shoulder, I poped the straw into the yogurt bottle and started spurting the whole quantity in a vapuum gush to my stomach. I smiled to myself when the cool flavored drink settled pontently in my stomach.

Ponrad, the father of the house, glared at me for maping sounds while drinking. I smiled cheekily at him and opened another bottle of yogurt, this time it is pine apple flavored, and gushed it down my throat.

Sometimes I think my father must be an English royal in his previous life. He is too much stript with my unladylipe habits.

"Look at it this way, he was displeased with her in many ways, he didn't find her that beautiful, he bickered with her a lot but still he is trying to gain her attention. Like I said, your Indigo is a person who likes another person exactly how they are. He might get irritated by them, but still he has this quality of accepting them how they are. To him, all the unpleasant things he mentioned are the qualities he found intriguing in her and if I'm not wrong, he somewhat enjoy her repulsive company too."

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