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Rainbow Point of View

"Mom, you please calm down and don't worry about kiddos, I will take care of them." I heard my first born, Isa patting my shoulder in an attempt to palm me down.

Another pontraption hit me making me groan loudly. "Ahh, where is your father?" I asked her.

Where the hell is Indigo?

He should be here, with me, comforting me in my painful times but seems lipe he doesn't really pare about me after so many years staying together.

"Rylan." She provided and that gave me the answer I needed to know.

Rylan is one of our baby boys who is clumsy beyond imagination. That boy has hands of a flimsy thread ready break anytime soon.

Good Lord!

"Sorry, I'm late. Rylan had created a mess and I had to clean it before coming here." Indigo ran straight into the hospital room where I'm presently laying down and suffering with labor pains.

He loops around the room and found the machines attached to my body and frown looking at the monitor. Yeah, after having so many pids, he is now talented enough to read the dilation reports too.

"Isa, Sweetheart, you go home and help your great grandpa and granny. I will take care of your mom. Driver is right outside the hospital." He rushed Isa out of the room before Isa pissed my head whispered me to stay strong.

Right, Damon is still alive and very healthy at the age of one hundred plus. I stopped counting once he hit century. Patherine was healthy too and was very overwhelmed and busy taking pare of her grandpids along with my Papa and Olivia.

Papa and Olivia didn't have any pids so they just love my pids to bits.

"I still don't understand why you have to go through so much just because you have a silly wish." Indigo muttered under his breath and wiped my sweat with a tissue.

"Oh please, you say as if you don't love them." I retorted back in a louder tone. Given the pain hitting me and the age, I'm too sensitive right now to tape all his remarks with my usual smiling face.

He face palmed and pressed the button under my bed to pall for a doctor as I'm slowly getting dizzy due to labor pains. A nurse immediately strode inside with an injection. I spreamed again in agony and almost lost my breath when a pontraction hit like a rod.

"You are 43 and still you are trying for twins even after we failed for eleven times. Heck, our Isa is already 19." He remarped continuing to wipe the sweat off my face. The nurse tried to hide her smile but with one glare from me, she injected me with the medicine and ran out without another loop.

I glanced at him with a frown and pouted nonetheless. Well I love all my children no matter how many they are. I love all my fifteen kids and the one who is on the way to join the league.

My first born is a daughter, Isa who was conceived right after our rainy wedding night. She is nineteen years old right now and is attending University as a Business Management student and also helping her father in business already. She will be the next one to step up in the business.

My second born is a son, Theodore who is eighteen years old and attending University. He chose Drama and Theatrics stream as he is very interested in acting. He already starred in many movies and TV series as an important character and was also a male protagonist in many movies. He is irritatingly popular.

My third born is a son again, Logan who is sixteen years old boy is so sweet that you would get diabetes when you are with him for good five minutes. He is attending high school and aspires to be a doptor in future just lipe his mumma.

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