Chapter 24

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Keenan Point of View

Alright, this has blown all the proportion.

I still can't believe I like a girl and that is Bell. I mean she is not that bad but it is still a shock to me. What has she got in her that I had such interest in her?

No offence, she is like a rowdy, not to forget she is always irritated with me. But now that I think about it, I think that is what attracted me to her in the first place.

Beggar guy was right, I need to know her more to know what I'm feeling for her. But it is still awkward to look at her in a different way suddenly. Like the beggar guy said, I guess it takes time for everything to settle down.

"What?" She asked putting down the spoon on the plate and turned completely towards me with a very big frown.

I thought of taking her to a special place and have dinner with her in air but I had to think about what the Beggar guy said. And I was happy I took his advice again, if I had taken her to some fine restaurant then I would have been disappointed her. Looking at her heartily eating the fat filled cream and cakes from the roadside bakery, I felt good.

"Nothing. Forget about that. You must be wondering why I brought you here, yes?" I asked pulling my chair near to hers. I can feel the amount of confusion rolling off her from the moment I asked her out on a date.

Fine, one way or the other, you have to spend time with me and understand me and know me and in future – bear me. So I guess the stereotype approach is not that bad for now.

She finally sighed in relief and nodded at me, eagerly waiting for my answer. "I want you to help me woo her." She raised a brow so high at me that I thought her brow has gone refuge into her hair.

"Wait... you want my help in wooing your girlfriend?" She shook her head and tapped her head with both the hands as if fixing it.

I use to do the same with my toys when I was a kid. If something was not working, then I would hit it until it works back normal.

"Yes. And no she is not my girlfriend yet. I do like this girl but she doesn't know about my growing feelings for her. That is why I need your help to flatter her." I explained.

Bell's mouth formed into an 'o' finally understanding what I had said. She nodded her head lightly looking at the table and tapped her chin with her fingers thinking deeply about something.

"And why do you thinp I would help you in this?" Bell asked.

Okay, she has so many questions to ask which sometimes annoys me a lot. I thought love makes people forget about everything around and just concentrate on the person your heart belongs to.

But I guess, our love will be different.

"Well, it's almost been five months from when my grandpa gave you the responsibility of finding a bride for me. Now that I have someone I like, you don't have to go through pain of searching and just help me court her. It is a win – win situation, you see. By the end of the year, I will get a bride and you will get what you deserve." Which is me. I added inwardly.

Oh come on, accept already. I haven't tried asking anyone till now and she is first person I am actually asking something and she is still thinking about it. I made sure to ask her charmingly which ladies love but seems like I should get habituated to her indifference.

Argh! I don't think our life together in future will be all flowers. I need to take classes to be patient with her.

God, of all the girls in the whole damn universe, why should it be Bell that I have feelings for!

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