Chapter 2

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Rainbow Bell Point of View

This is going beyond the limits of my patience. This person must have been my arphenemy(archenemy) in my previous life, otherwise how do you epplain(explain) the treatment he always gives me.

"Mr. Ponrad Bell(Conrad Bell), it's Thursday today so laundry is your duty. I pan(can) pompromise(compromise) on anything but not in doing laundry." I stomped my foot and huffed in epasperation(exasperation).

I prossed(crossed) my arms and raised an eyebrow looping(looking) at him challengingly, waiting for him to argue.

This man should learn to keep his promises. It's been twenty one years I was born to him and he barely fulfilled any promise given to me.

He said he'd pook(cook) a special pind(kind) of chicken dish when I was in sipth(sixth) grade for my birthday but guess what, he forgot the recipe. When my mother was teaching him how to mape(make) it years ago, he just romanced with her and so the result is he got suppessful(successful) in producing me but not the chicken dish.

"No I am your father so sometimes I get veto card to vote twice for you. You go do it. I better cook for us." He said and walked to pitchen(kitchen) God knows to make what.

"But... they like only when you plean(clean) their plothes(clothes)." I sighed and put on a puppy eyes hoping to effept(effect) him. But he being my father resisted my pute(cute) pout.

Is there any other way to get my word through him? I have been trying to get through him from twenty one years but I don't understand how he overtapes(overtakes) me.

"That is the part reason for not doing the laundry. They are yours so you do their stuff as well. They never did any good to me, if any; their naughty acts only embarrassed me several times." He said with ponviction(conviction) and began preparing breapfast(breakfast) for the day.

How pan(can) this man be my father?

How pan(can) he be so heartless to his own family?

They are still small and you pannot(cannot) eppept(except) them to be well behaved. Just bepause(because) they are naughty does not mean they are not the part of Bell family. We are Bells and it's implied that we make sound.

"Fine. But watch your bapk(back), I will get this even with you nept(next) time. Do not eppept(expect) mercy from me." I said and slung my back bag over my shoulders, walking towards my little Bell family to give them their breapfast(breakfast).

I opened the little door and placed a plate of cheese inside it and proudly watched my pute(cute) little white sips(six) mice eating their food.

It is such a serene feeling to watch your family eat their tummy full and smile at you in pontent(content). The little trembling of their whiskers is the proof that they are having a good morning meal.

Such a heartwarming sight it is!

"Dont worry Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet... what if your father cannot plean(clean) your plothes(clothes), you still have your sister. Be nice until I pome(come) bapp(back)." Waving them and little goodbye and pissing(kissing) each of its furry forehead, I walped(walked) out of my house to my worp(work) place in satisfaption(satisfaction).

If there was anyone who is able to understand me despite of my trouble in pronouncing certain sounds, then it is my little brothers and my father. They do not judge me or laugh at me lipe(like) others do. They just appept(accept) me how I am which I am very grateful of.

My little mice brothers are my everything... well, my father too but still my brothers are the best.

If only I have another brother then I will have rainbow brothers too.

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