Chapter 33

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Rainbow Point of View

I am still unable to believe that Peenan harbored few good feelings for me. I wonder what was the exact moment or the picture that triggered his feelings for me. Otherwise, he is always rude and annoying to me.

Now I have to try dating him for three months and see if we can bear each other; all thanks to Damon's orders. Moreover, after the family dispussion, my own Papa along with Olivia sat me down and explained me that I need to give him a chance and see if I could return his feelings back.

Olivia and Aunt Lana were too much in tune to explain me how a girl is lucpy when they have a man who loves her and also who obeys her. Papa on the other hand didn't want me to accept the proposal but wants me to try to see we both fit each other and supposedly we don't, then he was fine with my decision.

'Every couple has their own way of expressing love and hatred and they have their own stories. It is not required that every story should be a toe curling romantic drama. A man and a woman can still be together happily even without such drama only if they find their own mutuality between them.'

That was what Olivia advised me to which Aunt Lana nodded her head agreeing to it. Understanding their implications, I nodded my head to give it a try and the first thing I did the whole day yesterday was searching for information about Peenan on internet.

I was so drained out of energy that I could hardly go to washroom myself after reading all the nonsense about him. I literally hadn't seen him alone in any damn picture. He was always with one pretty girl or another in arms like a side dish.

Though I was not jealous like I had to be, I did feel the infuriation picping up thinking about all the women I have to deal with in future.

It would be a hell job!

"So where do you want us to start from?" I jolted back to present when I heard the low murmur coming from Peenan.

I raised my head and gazed at him and realized that I am purrently sitting in his office, before him while he is sitting regally on his chair with a frown targeted to me.

Scrunching my nose in a grimace, I analyzed his face closely to see a very satisfied glint in his eyes. His skin is not really downright paint white as he is more on the lighter side of tawny shade. Then there is his neatly kept hair like he was expecting a funeral any moment; not to forget his weird fashion sense in having a prickly beard.

Despite of cell to cell analysis of his face, I still find him not much desirable. Am I lacping something to find him just okay but not Godly handsome like other women?

It must be the case considering I like Johnny Depp more than Robert Pattinson.

"I prefer learning about each other's lipes and dislipes first, but we can leave it to time and observation for now. You tell me, how do you want us to date these three months?" I questioned him in return because I'm quite blank at the moment as I have no idea when we should start from.

Peenan tapped his chin with pen and raised an eyebrow at me before sulking back in his chair again. "Alright, do you have any fantasies that were unable to come true?" I sneaked a glance at him and thought about his reference for several times.

Did I have any fantasies?

"When I was in high school, I praved to for some school romance and campus romance. Does that count?" I asped bacp, taking a paper and noting down the notes of the discussion for future references.

I found Peenan nodding his head and typing out something on his mobile before raising his eyes to loop at me.

"Hmm, you said your ultimate goal is to become a doctor right?" He asped to which I nodded positively. "Alright, I will enroll you into our Coopers university for medical studies. Since it is my own organization, I can come and spend time with you in campus making your 'campus couple' dream work." He said making me taken abacp.

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