Chapter 18

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Keenan Point of View

This is so confusing!

This is not how I want the situation to turn up. I always prided myself for being a perfect man with clear senses and great understanding about oneself but for the first time, I'm confused.

Why? I don't know.

These days I feel so constricted and weird. I feel tempered one minute and the next minute I would be smiling to myself thinking about something. And point to be noted is I don't smile much, at least not after my father's dead few years ago.

Argh! This is f**king confusing!

"You seem to be from a good family, why are you opting for this job, sir." I heard a male voice from my side. I turned towards the voice and noticed a man in shabby clothes, dirty all over with dried sand and filth. He has a small can which produced loud clang of coins.

I looked around my surroundings and was surprised to find myself sitting on a bench in a small park surrounded by dark night. That was when I realized that I had stopped my car and came out to the park to take a fresh breath and get over my bewilderment.

The beggar beside me is still looking at me curiously waiting for my answer. Frankly speaking, I'm quite disgusted by him, his looks and the filthy smell he is reeking; not to forget he is thinking of me as a beggar like him.

"I'm not a beggar. I just came here to thinking about something peacefully." I answered shortly pressing down the disgust I'm feeling right now.

If Bell was here and she came to know about the way I treated a human being in a harsh way, then I'm sure she will enroll me in yet another class to teach me manners, morals and equality. With my current schedule of forcibly learning how to cook, clean and be a respected and caring person, I cannot handle anymore private classes with the office work standing on my head like a sharp sword.

"Hmm, I see many people come and go here and many who pass by this area. Some of them come here with their babies while some come here to think calmly, like you." He said sitting beside me and placing his can in between us.

I want to get up and walk away from this man but damn I like being here in dark with no one around. The breeze was cool and there's no city noise around this area.

I looked at the beggar who relax on the bench and looked up to the sky with a sigh. He looked around the same age as me and seems to have finely working limbs then I wonder why he resorted to beg on streets when he can work somewhere.

"Sometimes, thinking doesn't help you know. Sometimes, doing something without thinking of its consequences is what life expects from you." He shrugged giving the philosophy lecture.

"Then why are you here, like this, begging on streets?" I asked him back not caring how my tone sounded. I mean he is a mere beggar who comfortably came around to preach me, The Keenan Coopers, without even knowing what I'm thinking about.

I don't want to deal with a pretending shrink to assume my situation and give an advice to a person like me, who is much more about a person like him.

"Let's just say I followed my own advice and ended up here." He answered.

"Do you even know who I am?" I asked to which he raised his bushy eyebrow, giving me a I-care-less-who-you-are shrug. "I'm Keenan Coopers." I said proudly.

"And I'm Aegeus." He shrugged giving me his name. Such a fancy name for a filthy looking man! "Oh don't look at me like that, I deserve a good name. It took me two months to come up with this name for myself, you know." He said when he noticed my look of curiosity.

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