Chapter 1

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Me and my friend Bridget's car crashed out side of a town called story Brooke. we didn't know the town but we needed help so we walked into town and saw a diner called granny's. we walked in and saw a tall waitress at the counter wearing red shorts (really short if I do say so my self) and a plaid belly shirt and a small apron that barley covered her shorts. her hair had red tips and the natural colour was brown. you could tell. we walked up to the counter and I said.

Umm our car broke down right outside of town. and we need a place to sleep for the night she gave us a smile and said

Oh, ok well you came to the wright place this is a diner and a hotelish thing.

Me and Bridget exchanged looks then laughed. then ruby continued

Ok let me show you to ur rooms. oh, sorry first I need to know ur names and I need $80 for the night.

Oh ok sure. Bridget opened her purse and pulled out a credit card. and handed her it.

K thnx. ok here's your key to ur room! and hey since ur new in town and you haven't met anyone yet... do u want to go out for a girls night?

Oh, we're not planing on staying long just until the car is fixed.

Oh, we'll it might be awhile let me call gus.

She picks up the phone and calls gus. he's on speed dial weird.

Yeah hey, it's ruby, yeah I know. the car that was just delivered at ur shop how long till its fixed? uh huh. oh no that's fine! great. great. ok see you tonight.

Ok so he said that it will take about two weeks just to get the parts and then another week to put them in and ur car is having issues with other stuff too so he was gonna fix that. so about I don't know around 3-6 weeks tops

Oh my gosh! that long! Bridget said.

Yeah but that leaves time for girls night! I said super happy!

Bridget looked at me with a disappointed face.

Yeah I know u really want to see that museum u will I promise! soon just later! ok let's go put our stuff away and get ready!!! eek!

Ok see you in a bit I will be waiting out side in my car for u guys at 10! see you then!

Ruby left. and then I raced up the stairs to go put the huge cool looking key in the door we passed by a man who was in room 42. he couldn't keep his eyes off bridget. I laughed. then we got inside and it was pretty big! we set down out stuff and unpacked then I said

So Bridget, the guy in the hall way checking you out. eh eh. I bugged her with my elbow.

Shut upppp. Bridget said in a shy voice.

Well I for one am

Exited for tonight hopefully we'll meet some cute boys. look smoking hot and watch chick flicks after! eeek! I am just so exited!

Ok calm ur self! and I am to I just wish it was like only a week ya know.

Yeah, I guess.

We sat and watched tv for awhile and then I glanced at the clock it was 9:30 I said

OH CRAP! we only have 30 minutes! I have to take a shower! and pick an outfit and put on make up and-

Bridget cut me off. its all right I can show u an easy guide to getting ready in 10 minutes.

We got ready and it was 10 o'clock and I said

I thought u said it would only be ten minutes but I didn't know putting on makeup ur style to so much time!

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