Chapter 16

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~1 week later~

~Bridget's point of view~

I am so nervous! my wedding is in two days!!! I don't even have a dress! the only thing I have planned is where it is! it's going to be a beach wedding! the preacher is going to be mr.Lancelot! ikr! sounds familiar doesn't it?! like sir Lancelot of the round table?! that's what I thought but when I asked Neil he jut steered me off subject! I didn't get it! but I didn't really care! I can't wait for the wedding! the reception is at the rabbit hole! that's where me and Neil met! So we thought is was sweet! the only strange thing is his ex is coming to the wedding! ikr strange! but there friends so ill let it slide. me and Esther and Sarah are going dress shopping today! ruby wanted to come but she has to work. we have been like BFF's lately! she's really nice and the last week we have been hanging out so much! weird right? but it was fine. it was three o'clock and we had an appointment at three thirty! so I had to high tale my butt out of mr.golds. when Neil told me that mr.golds his father I was shocked! it was weird! so I tried to hangout around his shop a bit more. its mostly me and belle and gold and Neil talk. so much fun! heh not really. so I got to the boutique and I walked in a lady said

"Hello welcome to story Brooke boutique! how may I help u?"

"Oh! I have an appointment at three thirty! under Bridget."

"Oh yes right here! come on in."

She gestured toward the back room.

"Oh I'm waiting for some friends."

"Oh yes of course! Take as long as u need!"

"Ok thank you."

She nodded and left the room. where was Esther and Sarah!? they were suppose to be here before me!

~Esther's point of view~

I was at the park with Henry because Neil was trying to figure something out with his father. he was suppose to pick Henry up ten minutes go! I'm going to be late to help find Bridget a dress! I should text her. I pulled out my phone and started texting away.

"What's wrong Bridget?"

A voice called

"Huh?" I said looking up and it was Henry with a confused face. "Oh! it's nothing."

"What? no it's something what?"

"Oh. I'm going to be late to help find Bridget a dress."

It was silent for a minute. but Emily felt the need to scream and cry to break the quietness.

"Aww. shhhh shhhh shhhh."

I whispered in her ear. Emily was getting older. not to much older but older! she was about almost a month old now. she had beautiful brown hair like her fathers. and far skin in between really dark a sorta tan. it's hard to explain but she was super nice. she had brown eyes like me. and she happened to be attracted to everything green. like her dad. with meant that she had a thing for Peter Sarah's 'boyfriend'. he always wore a green shirt. he also had the best green eyes! like she always wanted him. it sometimes confused me. like how in the world could any one be so........ amazing with children! the whispers on the street say Peter is bad news and Sarah should stay away. but Sarah's so stubborn. then my thoughts were interrupted when my pants vibrated. I pulled out my phone and saw Neil texted me. he said

Neil:I'm sorry I'm gonna be pretty late. Two hours at the most.

Me:I'm suppose to be at with Bridget remember!

Neil:again super sorry! tell Henry I said hi! g2g bye.


I selected Bridget contact and texted her.

Me:sorry! can't make it! I'm stuck baby sitting Henry! super sorry! plz forgive me!"

Bridget:umm...i guess its fine. where's Sarah?

Me:umm... idek.

~Sarah's point of view~

Peter took me to this hill over the city! the view was breath taking! it was gorgeous! I looked at Peter then said

"Oh my gosh! it's beautiful!"

"I thought u might say that."

He said as he walked over to the car an got out a basket and a blanket. he threw the blanket on the ground. when he was done spreading it out he started to get the food out and then realized I wasn't sitting next to him. in confusion he looked up at me. I shot him a 'this is sooo cheesy smile.'

"Smooth move."

"What. what I do this time?"

"Oh nothing."

"Oh really? doesn't seem like nothing?"

He said as he stood up walking slowly close to me.

"Whatcha doin?"

"What I can't come over and say hi to my girlfriend? I was-"

He started to say then tickled me.

"HUUUUH! Ahh!"

I shrieked. and ran towards the truck. then he chased me on the other side. we ran in circles for about 2 minutes when I didn't see him and started looking around for him. I didn't see him when... all of a Siddons he comes up behind me and raps his arms around me and picks me up.



I said as I squirmed out of his arms and grabbed his shirt collar and pulled him into a kiss. we just stood there kissing for awhile. it was a long time. he pushed me up against his truck forcefully. I leaned back on his truck and his lips moved from my lips to my cheek to my neck. I pushed away.


"I know it's to fast."

"Actually I was gonna say I got a text and I should probably check it."


I pulled out my phone and checked a text that was from Bridget.

Bridget:where are u?! we were suppose to start looking for dresses ten minutes ago!

Me:OMG! so sorry! I was with peter!

Bridget:oh... are u still coming?

Me:yeah of course! be there in five!


Me:lol bye.

I turned off my phone and looked at Peter.

"Who was it?"

"Oh. yeah. Bridget. I was suppose to help her look for a wedding dress today."


"Ten minutes ago."

"Oh. I was gonna ask I u want to continue but it looks like u need a lift to the story Brooke boutique?"

"Yeah. sorry. maybe next time."


"Oh and Peter?"


"Maybe it is a little to fast. but I had LOTS of fun."

"Me to."

He said as he opened my door for me to get in. I got in and he closed the door and ran over to his side and drove. we drove in silence. we pulled up to the boutique. he turned to me and I leaned in a kissed him with his face cupped in my hands. then hopped out and waved as I went in.

~Bridget's point of view~

Finally Sarah got here! She is twenty minutes late! but what ever! she came in and said sorry hey the usual and stuff we hugged and the lady showed us to the back room where all the dresses are. She let us pick out some dresses. and she picked the rest.

The end of chapter 16! 17 soon! love yas! also net chapter ull find out what Esther looks like and then Bridget! thnx for reading!

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