Chapter 15

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~Sarah's point of view~

I could barely see anything it was all like a blur of dancing drinking and PETER?! what in the world! I remember dancing with Peter. then I was in the car i really don't know how but I was and Esther was talking to robin. so I was bored and went back inside. next thing I knew I was kissing Peter! like really passionately! umm I also remember Peter carrying me in his arms out of the rabbit hole. then I was at a strange place. then I just remember waking up beside him naked in a strange bed! ugh! the thought that we weren't even dating scared me do life! I got up dressed SUPER fast and ran home. my heels hurt my feet to run so I took them off and carried them. I ran faster and faster. until I was at the door I glanced at the clock by the door. it was six am. I needed to get inside and I forgot my key in my room. so I pounded on the door harder and harder till Esther answered the door and I said

"Esther, I did a bad bad thing."

"OH MY GOSH! Sarah u had me worried out of my mind!!!! come in come in!"

I stepped in the door and saw robin on the couch asleep.

"Can we talk, in my room?"

"Umm yeah sure!"

She said as I grabbed her hand and led her to my room.

"So what is this bad bad thing u did?"

"Umm... I think... I slept with..."



"Oh my gosh!!!"

"I know I know! eew and I was so drunk I don't remember a thing! or maybe that's a good thing!"

"Yeah! I can't believe this I thought u were in ur room asleep!"

"No! my pillows are all body pillows!"

"Oh! ok! sorry!"

"It's ok! wait where's Bridget?"

~Bridget's point of view~

I spent the night at Neil's house in his guest bedroom of course! he woke me up in the morning an made me breakfast in bed. we sat and ate together. then I glanced at the clock. it was six am! I have to get home and get in bed before any one wakes up! I jumped out of bed and changed out of Neil's sweat pants and t-shirt back into my favorite yellow blouse. it had ruffles on the collar and it was silk. I also put on some dark skinny jeans and some yellow toms. I also put a head ban in my hair yellow of course. Then I raced out side and ran super fast until I was at the apartment and I opened the door only slightly and slipped inside and ran to my room before any one noticed. I slipped on some pajama pants and a tank top and jumped on my bed and under the blankets. two minutes later.

"Hey Bridget! get of sleepy head! Sarah needs us!"

She then left and closed the door behind her. I quickly let out a sigh of relief and exhaustion. then jumped out of bed and threw on a pair or leggings and a big hoodie. I ran out because Esther's voice made it sound important. I was in the living room and all I saw was robin sleeping on the couch. I was confused but I heard Esther and Sarah talking in Sarah's room. I ran in there and closed the door gently behind me. I went over to Sarah and sat on her bed next to her.

"Aww what's wrong sweetie?"

"I-I spelt with Peter."

"YOU WHAT NOW?! I thought I said that was nothing!"

"It wasn't! I was dr-drunk."

"Oh god."

I said then smacked my forehead.

~Sarah's point of view~

Bridget wasn't helping anything I made a mistake I under under stand that! then my phone started to ring. I freaked out when I saw it was Peter. I screamed an threw the phone on the floor. Esther picked it up and saw it was Peter. She reached the phone out to me

"You should answer and figure out last night."

"Uh... yeah I guess ur right."

I said and reached for the phone. I slowly put it up to my ear and accepted the call.


"Hey! it's Peter! about lat night-"

"Yeah It was a stupid mistake."

I said cutting him off.

"Umm... sure. do u want to hang ou-"



"Last night was a stupid mistake and I'm going to try my hardest to forget it. I suggest u do the same."

I said as I hung up. I then threw the phone on the floor hard and run up my blankets and threw myself under my covers and started crying.

"What was that?!"

Bridget said confused.

"I'm cursed!"

I said peeking up from under my covers a bit.


Esther said as if curses were real.

"First Ethan long distance didn't work! then hook died! I mean what the hell!"

Bridget and Esther exchanged looks as if to say 'did she just say that?'

"I'm sorry. my language I'm just tired. and grumpy and stressed."

"Yeah we know! but not for long u get ready and I'm going to get u a reservation for a deep tissue back massage!"

"You don't have to! I just want to lay in bed eat ice cream watch how I met ur mother and sulk!"

"Nope! now get ur lazy butt dressed!"

Bridget said and kicked my in the butt when I got up. they left without another word. so I walked up to my closet and picked out some shorts that were short and had the pockets poking out. and a really cute white tank with a black leather jacket. I curled my hair and put on a black fedora. I went to my massage and boy was it good! after that I went to an ice cream place. I got my ice cream and sat at a table a few minutes later I looked strait ahead and saw peters back. I freaked and jumped under the table and ate my ice cream I peeked under and saw he was gone. I sigh of relief flew over me. I sat on the bench then heard.

"Do u always eat ur ice cream under a table?"

I turned slowly and saw it was Peter. ugh!

"Umm no."

I said as I shook my head and turned around

"What's with the drama?"

"What do mean?"

"One night thing. then u hung up? What's that mean?"

"It means take a hint I don't like u."

"Oh really? cuz I think u like me a lot."

He said as he sat next to me and nudged me.

"Uh yeah no."

"Oh really?"

He said moving his eye brows fast and flirty. Ugh his eye brow game is strong!


I said and winked.

"What's the wink for? when I asked if u liked me u said yep then winked."

"Oh! did i?"

I said then winked again.

"See u did it again!!!"

"Yeah sure."

I winked again of course.

"Ugh ur just so adorable."

He said then we cought eyes and then he kissed me. I kissed back. it was nice.

End of chapter 15!!!!! 16 soon!!!

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