Chapter 6

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~Sarah's point of view~

We sat down and ate. I ordered a cheese burger and almost everyone else did besides Neil. he's on some sorta diet so he only ate cottage cheese and a salad. after we at I took out my purse and was about to take out some money when hook said

"Here love let me pay."

He said as he put down some weird looking coins, more like pirates treasure.

Weird then he looked t me and I shrugged. Neil stood up and asked if we all wanted to go to the troll bride cuz he had a surprise. we all looked confused but went with it. I looked at my feet remembering my high heels. I shrugged and stood up.


"Yes love?"

Then I held out my hand. he put his in mine and we walked out of granny's and I leaned my head on his shoulder and we started walking. then I looked be hind me and saw that Esther and robin were doing the same except Esther's head was up and looking around and I didn't see Bridget yet but I turned my head back and looked at the concrete.

~Bridget's point of view~

Everyone already let an I waited for Neil. he went to his room to get something idk what. 'wait what if he purposes!? what we only met like yesterday! No, he wouldnt........ would he?'

I thought to my self as I stood there. Then I bit my lip. and he came down and looked at me then said

"What's wrong?"

"Oh! nothing! just want to know ur surprise."

"Well then it wouldn't be a surprise."

"Oh, fine."

I said as we walked out and he put his arm around me. we walked in silence till we arrived at the troll bride witch was a toll bridge but some one spray painted on the sign an r in between the t and the o. it was kinda funny. then we got there and hook Esther Sarah and robin stared at us. I gave Sarah a questioning look. like 'what's going on' she gave me a 'idk' look and I looked back at Neil and saw him getting something out of his bag. I started to freak out! but the I noticed something. it wasn't a ring box it was a necklace box! oh god! a sigh of relief went over me. then he said

"Turn around and get read for the surprise!"


"Close ur eyes too!"


Then he put a necklace on me and I opened my eyes and saw it was a was two letters it was like this (B&N) it was super cute! I looked at Sarah and saw her glaring at Neil then hook realizing she was jelly! hahaha! then I turned toward Neil and said

"Oh my god! Neil! it's awesome!!!!! I love it!"

I started to cry. then Neil pulled me into a hug! and embarrassed me. then he said

"By the way, I'm not letting u go to the museum." I pulled away and looked confused! "I can't let u out of my sight!" he started to cry almost!

"Neil u scared me for a moment there!" and I slapped his jacket!


That's what we were whispering about he aske if I wanted to go to the "troll" bridge after dinner. it all now came together. then I started to smile again!

~Esther's point of view~

It was sweet! so sweet! I was in shock! it was really cute! I think Neil got the idea from robin because he gave me a necklace just like that one. but like this <E&R3 it was super cute! now the only one who didn't have one was Sarah and hook I was kinda confused because why wouldn't Neil tell hook to get her one because Neil and hook are bet friends. so idk what went on there but it didn't matter. it was still cute!!!!

~Sarah's point of view~

Aww! so cute! then I looked over at Esther to see her facial expression but I could help but notice her necklace it was an e and r so then I looked back at Bridget's and saw it was an b and n why didn't I have one that was s and h or s and k? HashTag confused! and sorta mad!!!! so I glared at hook and saw him looking at me and said

"Calm down lass eventually!"

I was confused. what was happening? was he waiting to see if I was committed enuf or was it that blonde sheriff from yesterday?!


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