Chapter 14

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~Bridget's point of view~

Me and Neil were out looking at apartments and house around town. we found this adorable little house that had a small windmill in the front of the yard. it was kind umm how do u say it.... ugly. but besides that it was adorable me and Neil really liked the outside! hopefully the inside to! a woman opened the door. and came outside to meet us. she was tall and had long blonde wavy hair. she looked about 35. she said

"Hi! are u Neil and Bridget?"

"Yeah, umm if u don't mind me asking who are u?"

"Oh I'm Abigail. but u can call me Abby."

She held out her hand to Neil and he shook it.

"Nice to meet u. do u own the house?"

"Uh yeah. well I co-owned it with David. but, you know, thing happened things "broke""

Then I saw her mermer to her self

"Such as a curse."

I didn't get what she was saying. I probably heard it wrong. what ever.

"Hi. so shall we?"

I said gesturing towards the door.

"Oh yes! sorry!"

She then led us threw the house. it was cute! nice rooms! two bedrooms one master and one kid size. she used it as a guest bedroom. I liked the idea but, I wanted kids some day. so what's the point in keeping it as a guest bedroom!

"Now since I'm moving and wanting a fresh start. I decided to let who ever moves in here that they can have all the furniture. so there's that AND I just replaced the bed and guest bed room with new beds! plus a new fridge in the kitchen. now before u say wait.... what's the price again. it's the original price it said before. no extra! I know mind blown! but don't sweat it! say it's an early wedding present!"

"OH MY GOD! are u serious?!?!"


"I can't believe this! an amazing house in budget! with new beds and new fridge AND all the furniture!"

"Wow! thnx!! I think will take it!"

Neil said quickly after me.

"Wow! ok sure! I will send the papers to ur house! and we can talk at granny's later!"


I said as we went outside of the house and we turned around as we walked. she was waving and smiling from the screen door. we waved back. once we were out of watching range. I stopped in my tracks and Neil turned around and said


"I love you!"

I said and ran into his arms and he grabbed my back and swung me around. we kissed for about 5 minutes! then he let me back on the ground I laid my chin on his chest and looked up at him.

"Are we really doing this? seems like the past days have been YEARS!"

"Yes, yes we are. I love u to."

The we leaned in to kiss again and it started POURING!

~Esther's point of view~

We got to the rabbit hole and had lots of fun dancing with strangers. hahaha! sounds weird but it was fun to get to know people you would see on the streets and you knew there gave but never knew them! like a back round character. strange right? I never had so much fun since Emily was born, and also since robin barely likes to go any where without Roland! I really didn't know what was going on with me and robin right now. it was I guess off and on? i don't even know! well not that because we haven't been off until now. I looked at the bar and saw Sarah drinking shots with the guy from the apartment a few days ago! wow! I thought she didn't like him! well he seems to have his hands ALL over her! oh no look away there coming this way! oh god! Sarah smells terrible! I think she's drunk! OMG she is! other wise she wouldn't be doing the cabbage patch with Peter I think his name was. strange an ugly sight! after five minutes of that I thought I was gonna throw up from watching them! we gotta get out of here! I grabbed Sarah's hand and ran outside. she didn't fight at all and Peter was so drunk he didn't do anything. then when I put her in the car I heard someone call after me. it was robin! ugh I really don't want to talk I him right now!


"Hey! calm down. I just wanted to talk about marina. she was really rude yesterday. and I love u! B-"

"See! there it is! we have a child together! you can't just say but! there is no but! were married! she died long ago! and no one can change that!"

"I know."

"No u don't! you think u can just waltz in here and say I pick her over u and every thing will be peachy keen! not how it works bub! and if yo-"

I was cut off when he grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into a kiss. he pulled away and said

"I love you Esther! and that will never change! marina is going back to our time. we are using the wand that Emma used to get here to get her back. and yes I'm very sad about it but, marina hasn't been here for the past years! and u have! I can't just give that up! I love u Esther! please forgive me!?"

"I do!"

I said then pulled him into a huge hug!

"Oh, wait I forgot! Sarah!!"

I turned around and the car door is open and Sarah's not there!

"Oh my gosh! she gone!"

"She's just inside I saw her go in!"

"Oh thank god! lets go get her then I can drop her off tuck her in and we can go home."

I said and grabbed his hand and he smiled back at me. we ran I side and I didn't see her I looked in the bathrooms the bar and the dance floor also the pool table area. she was no where to be found!!!!


I called over the loud music pounding. no answer. after searching for about and hour I have up hope! what if she go kid napped! I bet she's at the apartment I went to the apartment with robin and we sat on the couch and watched frozen. he fell asleep so fast it was funny! I soon fell asleep to. I woke up the next morning with a loud pounding at the door. I jumped up and they got louder and louder and faster and faster! I was starting to get scared. I opened the door! and it was Sarah! she had messed up hair and was holding her high heels and said

"Esther! I did a bad, bad thing!

End of chapter 14!!! I know! u all hate me! chapter 15 soon!!!

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