Chapter 12

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~Esther's point of view~

The town sheriff was zapped back in time! I knew about this since I've lived in story Brooke for quit some time! but I couldn't tell Sarah and Bridget. with was killing me! they were asking where the sheriff was but I had no answer and always changed the subject! I hate lying to them! it kills me it really does! but the sheriff apparently is coming threw a portal now!!! were waiting outside a portal that mysteriously popped up! I mean who knows what's gonna come threw that thing! some suggested we close it before anything comes threw! others wanted to see if it was Emma! others just want to see anything come out! we waited and waited. I told Bridget and Sarah to stay inside because there was a bad storm and I also told them that I was going home. Ragina cast a curse on all there windows. if they look out a window then all they'll see is a storm. a pretty bad one at that. so we waited and waited until we say a foot coming threw! David threw a rope around the foot and pulled it threw! it was Emma! everyone was screaming


"My god ur alive yes!"

"Three cheers for Prince Charming and Snow White for helping get Emma home!"

But then we all noticed there was some one else coming threw!!!! David drew his sword and then we all saw a woman with brown hair and an old time dress also she had fairly dark skin! she looked around at us then David's sword and screamed


Then she glanced behind me and saw robin. she started crying and put her hands over her mouth.


He looked up from his phone and he screamed



She ran into his arms and they hugged. jealousy filled me! who the heck is she!!! like what?! I mean how?! when?! where?!

"Umm... robin sweetie. whose ur FRIEND?!"

"What?! I'm his wife!"

She turned around and snapped at me.

"Excuse me?!"

Robin looked confused and had mixed emotions.

"I uh... Esther this is..... uh."

"I'm ur wife! whose this bi-"

"I'm his wife to!"

I said cutting her off not wanting her to curse me off.


She said and turned to robin who was on the floor running his hands threw his hair. in frustration.

"Robin! tell this chick, u have a wife! and she clearly ain't it!"

I snapped at robin when he didn't even look at either of us.


"We have a son together! even if he married u then he would pick me! he wouldn't leave our son fatherless!"

"Well! let me stop u right there little miss sass afrass! we have a daughter together!"

"You-you do?"

"Yes! now back off lady! I've well who knows where doing who knows what! and I've been here taking care of my daughter and ur son!"

"Well u shouldn't have! he's my son he doesn't need you!"

"Ugh!" I screamed and grabbed Emily from snow and walked home. I started thinking. I never thought my life would turn into one of those soap operas where the guy has to choose who he wants to be with. ugh! life is so annoying! idek! ugh! why!

End of chapter 12! 13 will be out soon! and sorry there is only Esther's PVO but it just seemed right for this chapter. thnx! love u!

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