Chapter 9

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~two weeks later~

~Sarah's point of view~

I was in the kitchen making dinner while Bridget was planing the wedding and Neil was looking for apartments. and Esther was still at the hospital with Emily and robin was with her and Roland was playing with Henry Neil's son in the living room. Bridget didn't really care that he had a son she loved children and they loved her! oh! and hook was out sailing with his "mate" smee! strange name right? IDC I was happy I was making cheesy tuna noodle casserole! delish! We have been eating at granny's for so long we had a usual so we decided to make our own dinner to night. there wasn't much of a "we" it was more like ME! heh. yeah. Bridget almost screamed then ran to my with her phone in her hands and said

"LOOK AT THIS!" it was a gorgeous wedding dress! "I know they probably don't have it in the local wedding boutique here but something like it!"

"YAS! so cute!" then I looked away back to my pasta and Neil said

"What? can I see?"

"No! u can't see the dress yet! not till I walk down that isle!"

"Oh yeah! well fine then u can't see my tux!"

"Oh yeah I'm soooo disappointed!"

She said in the most sarcastic tone!

Then Neil got up and chased her around the table.

"Guys stop! ur gonna break something! and soon this apartment will only be mine so no breaking anything in MY apartment!!!!!!!!"

They quickly sat down and then were silent until they looked at each other and couldn't stop laughing! ugh they were so perfect it was annoying! My phone vibrated and I looked at it and it was hook

'Hey love, can we meet tonight for dessert at granny's? say 9?'

I quickly replied without missing a heart beat!

'Umm DUH!'


'U mean lol?'

'That's what I texted'

'Umm ill teach u txt talk 2night'

'Txt? what does that mean?'


He read my txt and didn't say anything else. so yeah.

"Hey guys after dinner ima head down stairs to hang with hook."

"Oh yeah 'hang' "

Bridget said in a sarcastic tone.

"Hey don't be hating! we never did it! don't be all judgey!"

"I'm not! well..."

Bridget said as she raised her arms in defense.

"Heh. nice."

Neil was being adorable and taking the other persons side to make Bridget want to chase him!

"So before I have to yell get a room in front of children can u leave?"


"Well u had ur eye brow game strong!"


"Mmm hmm."

They got up and Henry and Roland went with them. they waved in there way out. so I went and got ready. I put on a black crop top that had a white under shirt and the crop top said LAZY. It was cute. and also some red skinny jeans a white beanie and some black toms. it was really cute. so I walked down stairs and no one was there when I realized thy left without eating and I forgot the foot on the burner! I ran up stairs and luckily there wasn't a fire but there was lots of smoke! so I got a dish towel and fanned it away. then moved then meal to the other burner. once it cooled down I put it in tupper wear containers and sealed it. once that was done I decided to curl my hair then put my beanie back on. when I was done I went down stairs and hook still wasn't there so I sat at a booth and noticed some guy sitting at the counter starring at me. dare I say he was quit the looker! I mean perf! but I had hook so yeah I looked away I could still feel him glancing at me every now and then. eventually he came and sat next to me and said

"Hey, I'm Peter."

"Hey, I'm Sarah and taken."

"Well u know just how to ruin a beautiful relationship don't u?"

I laughed really loud without even realizing it!

"Well!" I said "are u new? I haven't seen u around before?"

"Oh. yeah I guess u could say I'm umm not from around here."

"Ok strange but ill bite where are u from?"

"Out of this world!"

"Yeah sure. I wish! heh. Yeah."

"Well it was nice meeting u beautiful."

I blushed like and idiot then said

"Well since ur new, if u ever need anything then call me."

I took some paper and a pen out of my bag and wrote down my number. he looked at me then took the number and winked

"Thnx dear. ill see u around." he said as he left granny's. then hook came in.

"Hey love." he said kissing my cheek. "what would u like to order?"

"Umm actually I didn't have dinner so I think I'll order some dinner to if its not a problem."

"No course not! anything for u lass."

"Aww" I said grabbing his hand from across the table.

"I love u."

"I love u two love!"

We both then blushed and laughed for what seemed like forever.

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