Chapter 10

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~Bridget's point of view~

Me,Neil,Henry, and Roland left the apartment realizing that we didn't eat food so Neil told us we could all just eat at the movies. when we got to the movies it smelled like popcorn and feet. best smells ever guys 😒. so we got our movie tickets. we were going to see some Disney movie about a white squishy robot thing for Roland of course. if Roland wasn't there I mean we would be going all out and go see x-men! Henry can watch those be cause he is 13 so yeah. when we went to the concession stand we waited in line till we were at the front. we asked Henry

"Anything u want?"

"Umm... how about some candy?"

"What candy?"

"Idk surprise me!"

"Ok. Roland want anything besides candy?"

"Aww why not candy?"

"Because u'll go on a sugar high."

"Umm... HOT DOWGS!!!!"

"Hahaha! ok."

We ordered our movie snacks and found our seats in the movie theater.

~mean while with Esther~

I was still laying in my hospital bed when robin came in holding Emily and some snacks for me. I was touched. he kissed my forehead and set down the tray of potato chips and orange juice.

"Thank u baby."

I said in a sweet tone.

"Your welcome. I thought u might be hungry. so is Emily should I get the formula."

I laughed and nodded. he left so I enjoyed my snack. it was really good! I decided to do some channel surfing. I flipped and flipped until I saw a Britt Nicole concert! I used to love Britt Nicole! it was a flash bak channel! on this channel they only did singers who were big when I was young! it was so cool! next up was Jamie grace! I looked up pictures of her a couple of days ago she's old but still looks great. she looked so young!!!! I loved it! my attention was soon drawn to the door as I heard it open. it was robin he had Emily with a bottle in her mouth. so adorable so I put my hands out gesturing that I wanted to hold her.

"Gimme my baby. I haven't held her for so long!"

"I love u."

"I love u to."

~mean while with Sarah~

Me and hook went for a walk. I thought it was about time I told him how I felt so I stopped in my tracks and turned to him. he stopped and looked at me confused.

"What's wrong love?"

"Umm.... well I wanted to tell u something."

"You can tell me anything love!"

"Yeah... I know this is just an uneasy subject."

"It's alright lass."

"Yeah I know."

I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Then what is it? come out with it dear."

"Ok, umm.... hook I.... I love you...... hook I love you!"

Then a weird thing came down from the sky that resembled a shadow! we ducked! then it came closer! and closer! till it was about to touch hook! but in stead it started to rip something black from hooks body I could hear him mumble under his screams and huffs

"I...i love!"

I cried and screamed as it all seemed to happen so fast!!! then that guy from granny's came and ran to my side and comforted me and was saying

"What? uh it will be ok!"

"What?! how could u say that?!"

I said now hugging hooks body that was cold an lifeless!

"It will be ok I called 911 doctor whale will try and take care of him!"

"are u sure?!"


He said as he leaned in and hugged me! then he started to sway it wasn't bad. I actually liked it! but hook just died!!! so I ran out of his arms and back to hook as the ambulance came and they put him on the stretcher! I was scared out of my mind as Peter offered to drive me to the hospital I was hesitant but decided to go anyway. I went with him and as soon as we got there I was already bawling my eyes out! I couldn't stop! but Peter was there to hold me and make me feel safe. it was nice to have a friend like that you know? I mean I know we just met this morning but it seemed like I've known him all my life! it was nice. so then dr.whale came out and said

"I'm sorry.... we could save him."

He sorta looked happy on the inside I mean I know he told me him and some people in this town don't like him bug people to be happy he's dead! that was sick! I started to cry even more! I put my face into peters chest has he hugged me. I got his shirt super wet on one side.

"Sorry, I got ur shirt wet."

"No don't be! you need some one right now and I'm here."

I was so relieved to hear that! so I hugged him super tight and cried my eyes out! he didn't even mind! eventually I had to leave so I let go and said

"I'm sorry ur shirts a mop! oh god! I didn't think I could cry like this!" I said on the verge of more tears. "hey come with me. u cane dry ur shirt in my dryer!"

"No I couldn't intrude."

"You won't be!"

"If u think so ok."

We stood up and walked out side as we walked toward his car on the other side of the parking lot. we walked in silence. I could feel the back of our hands brush against each others on our way. eventually he went Into the full hand hold! I was shocked! I mean u didn't want to pull away but yet I did! I could decide but I didn't. we walked to his truck. once we got there he opened my car door then shut it after me. We drove in silence yet again. when we got to granny's we walked to the back room and turned around to get a manly sent when I turned around Peter was shirtless and was putting his shirt in the dryer. I was still crying. but not as much. I tried not to look at his perfect body and 4 pack! but I could help but look every now and then he caught me every now and then. he just flashed me a flirty smile.

"So how much longer?"

He asked being cute.

"Well we just put it in so idk."

"Hahaha! nice. Ever used a dryer?"

"Well not really but I k ow how it's done."

"Well that sounds promising."

I let out a small cry/laugh. then I jumped up and sat on the washer. he took a step closer. and we talked about cars and how I wanted a mustang. then he came a step closer again and we talked about pets. I did t have any. I used to but I didn't idk take care of her a lot. Then he came super close! he leaned in to kiss me. he got closer and closer. he was practically leaning against me. he was almost kissing me just a single breath away. I could feel and smell his breath. it smelt like mint and flowers. it was nice then his soft lips pressed against mine. and...

End of chapter 10!!!! thnx u guys for reading this far!!! ten chapters!! so cool! love u guys!!!! chapter 11 soon!!!

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