Chapter 20!

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~ok let me start off by saying thank you I everyone who reads this book! because chapter 20 is a big deal to me! thank you so much! btw before I forget F4F~

~Sarah's point of view~

~the next day~

I woke up and remembered today was Bridget's wedding and Nicole didn't have a table to sit at! I got up out of bed almost walking up Peter. I ran into the kitchen and took the reception table set up. I quickly moved people around to make room for Nicole some where. I eventually found a place for her. after seeing her after so long we talked about stuff and she brought up how they were taking forever with her room so I let her crash here. in the spare bedroom since Bridget was spending every waking moment with Neil. I was awake drinking coffee and watching switched at birth waiting for either Peter or Nicole to wake up. I woke up at 7 and it's now 9 and really? neither of them are awake?!

~two hours later~


Nicole came out in her robe with her hair up on the phone.

"Yeah I know baby! yes. of course! we will be there! I have a wedding to go to! ok I will see u late love u!"

"Oh! who was that a boyf?"


"Yeah me and Bridget use it to shorten boyfriend."

"Oh. and yeah that was my husband his name is Niall Horan."

"O-M-G!!!! no way! how in the world?!"

"Well I was going to one of there concerts and after the concert I stayed like an hour after waiting for my friend to pick me up but she blew a tire. I just waited around eventually they kicked me out of the place so they clean and stuff so I went outside and sat on the curb. someone came up behind me and it was in the city so I expected the worst so I said back off I got a knife!"

"Oh my gosh! lol!"

"Then he said whoa there! I was just gonna ask if u were alright. I completely freaked when I heard his accent! I quickly turned around and quietly scream OMG UR N-NIALL HORAN!!! He laughed and we instantly hit it off from there. he's so sweet!"

"OMG I bet! That's so weird! and yet so romantic! me and Peter met because he wouldn't stop staring at me in the diner down stairs our first kiss was when he was shirtless and I was sitting on a washer!"

"Whoa there girly! hahaha! out first kiss was after three weeks of knowing him it just felt right standing on top of Big Ben holding hands."


"Yeah his family is sooooo sweet!"

"Idek peters..."

"Oh we'll u will one day."

Just then my bedroom door swung open and Peter was only wearing a towel.

"I was getting in the shower and was wondering I u wanted to join me?"

"Ha-ha! he's just being like this since ur here."

"So he's a show off?"

"Very much so!"

I said laughing. Peter was blushing in embarrassment. then he went back into my room. we continued our conversation.

~Bridget's point of view~

I woke up next to Neil at 11! I saw the time and screamed!



"The weddings in two hours and I still have to get ready!!!!!"

"Holy s- ok I gotta go!"

We both got dressed quickly then ran out the door. I went to the boutique and Neil went to the beach to set things up. when I got to the boutique a lady came rushing up to me.

"Are you Bridget?!"

"Umm... yeah"

"Then we must hurry!"

The lady said as she took me by my hand and to the very back of the store. one woman was wearing all green another blue and another pink. they reminded me of the little witch fairy things from sleeping beauty! they all grabbed my arm and moved me to a pedestal. one of the elderly women said

"Now, mam we need u to close ur eyes."


"Don't question we don't have time young child!"

"I am not a child!"

"Close ur eyes!"

"Ok ok!"

I closed my eyes and felt a cold breeze then warmth then some sorta push!

"That's in I'm opening my eyes!"

"Ok we've finished!"

"Finished wha-"

I stopped my words when I looked down and saw not my wedding dress but one ten times prettier! it was a full ball gown that had a diamond belt and the in tire top was covered in lace! my face was lite with excitement! then I realized that it probably wasn't cheap.

"It wonderful! but, I don't think I can pay for it."

"Nonsense! it's free my dear!"


"Yes now go change and have ur wedding day!"

"Thank you thank you THANK YOU!"

I said picking up the gown while I was running out. I changed really fast then when I was right around the corner I heard one woman say

"Do u think we should tell her all magic comes with a price?"

"Nonsense. she will be fine. if it does I will pay it for her!"

I decided I should walk in just then. what did they mean by magic?! price what price?!

End of chapter 20!!!! OMG THANK U SOOOO MUCH FOR READING!!! and if u did read this please comment and I will follow u free!!!!

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