007. Sickness

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GEMINI COUGHED LOUDLY. She despised being ill. The only good part of being sick was no work. She still obviously went inside the bar but not for working wise, just to annoy her older brother.

Nate glared at the younger woman. "Why must you bring your illnesses into the bar?" He asked moodily. She smiled slightly before sniffling.

"I'll infect you, if you're not careful." She warned him. His eyes widened at the threat making his little sister laugh before erupting into a coughing fit. He took a large step away from his little sister. "You germaphobe." She teased.

Nate narrowed his eyes to Gemini. "I just don't like to be ill. I'm not a germaphobe per say." He tried to reason. Gemini pulled a face.

"So, if I coughed on you, you wouldn't immediately go and run for the nearest supply of hand gel possible?" She asked. The older man stopped, thinking. He then looked down knowing he was beat. Gemini snickered and raised an eyebrow to the man as he looked at her. "See...Germaphobe." He glared at her before continuing with his work.

She sat at a table in the far corner with her laptop screen open. She was editing her photos, storing them on her computer to edit to her liking. Joe then walked through the door of the bar and made his way to Gemini's table.

He ruffled her hair before sitting across from her. "What's up Zodiac?" He asked jokingly but she only grumbled and glared. He held his hands up in surrender. "Please don't stab my with another sharp utensil." He begged.

She coughed into her arm. "I'm ill. I don't know what it is though." Joe looked to her with sympathy. She had brought a blanket with her from her apartment and had it wrapped around her shoulders to keep her warm. "I can't stop sneezing or coughing, my throat kills which is weird because I don't talk and then I've got a temperature but I feel like I've been standing in Antartica for ages." She whined. "I hate being ill."

He smirked at the girl as she turned back to her computer. "So what pictures are you editing today?" He asked curiously and she smiled at him before turning the computer around. Joe pulled a face at the pictures. "Fucking ninja Gem, how the hell did you get this photo?"

 "Fucking ninja Gem, how the hell did you get this photo?"

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The caption she had added to the picture read. 'What Joe does when someone tells him to put his cigarette out.'

He groaned. "I look like an arsehole." He whined to her making her grin wider.

"You were being one to Taury. She asked you to put it out and do you remember what you said?" She asked. Joe shook his head. "You told her to fuck off." He nodded remembering the moment after Gemini reminded him.

"Think about it like this though, at least I've cut down now. I've almost stopped." He admitted.

Gemini shrugged. "And for that I'm proud, but you did need to stop completely. You'll end up with cancer by the time you're fifty with the amount you used to smoke." She pointed out to him. He nodded in agreement.

"I know, I'm getting there." Gemini nodded before turning the computer back to her and scrolling through the now transferred photos. Joe tapped his hands on the table in a drumming way before standing up. "I'm going to help your brother and I will, more than likely, see you later." Gemini waved goodbye to the man as he left her alone.


Gemini sat in the back of the bar as it finally opened for business. The times for the bar had been agreed that they would open in the late afternoon/early evening so they didn't get the morning drunks and alcoholics in the early hours.

Gemini was sat alone as the music from the bar area played out into the room she located herself in.

Suddenly a knock at the door caused her to jump in surprise. She looked up at the person who had startled her to see an old friend she hadn't seen in a while.

She hugged the woman tightly, trying not to infect her with her illness. "Hey Gemini." The woman spoke as she smiled.

"Hey Nat." She greeted Natasha before they sat at the table Gemini had previously sat at. "Cool hair by the way. Another color I see." She pointed out to the woman, who's normally red hair was now blonde. "Is this from when you were on the run?" She asked. Natasha nodded.

"Yeah it was. I'm dying it back to its natural glory soon though, thank God." Gemini chuckled slightly.

"Not meaning to sound...well sign rude but, what're you doing here?" She asked, Natasha chuckled at the small joke she had made.

"I heard you were ill, you weren't working and you were alone in the back of the bar so I came to keep you company. Have a little catch up, if that's what normal people do." She explained.

"I think out of everyone, us two together are the least normal." Gemini suggested as Natasha chuckled.


Gemini hugged the blonde woman one last time as they said goodbye.

"You have to come and stay at the compound sometime. I know the Barton's would love that." Nat suggested as Gemini shrugged.

"Maybe, one time. There's only a handful of reasons why I would though, you know that." She explained making Nat sigh dramatically.

"Fine. Think about it though. I'll see you soon Gem." She waved as she walked out the door.

Gemini turned to Joe, who was the last behind the bar, and smiled. "I'll see you tomorrow, more than likely. That is if this shit's cleared up." She signed to him, pulling a face to show her annoyance towards the sickness she had been infected with.

Joe nodded as Gemini let out a sharp whistle getting the attention of Dixon, who had laid lazily in the back of the bar all day.

She walked out of the bar and went straight towards home for the one thing she needed.

Her bed.


I hope you enjoy this chapter

The next one will be out soon

Kayla Lou xxx

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