032. Help, Plans and Threats

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BUCKY WAS PRACTICALLY pulling his long hair out whilst trying to come up with an idea of a date for him to take Gemini on. He hadn't asked her yet either though, he wanted to have a plan for it rather than wing it on the day.

He went to the only people he knew would probably know anything about what Gemini would like to do on a date. Her brother and Joe.

Bucky walked through the door of Braddock's, the family shop between the three siblings. The bell dinged, signalling he was here. Joe was the one to walk out the back. He chuckled at the sight of Bucky. "Need help for ideas Bucky?" Bucky was surprised that he knew immediately. "It's been three days since your kiss with Gem, do you really think we wouldn't notice her happier mood?" 

Bucky shrugged. "I didn't know how much you'd notice. She always seems happy around me." Joe nodded, smirking.

"That's a really good thing actually. Shows your presence actually makes her happy." Bucky ran his hand through his hair nervously, thanking Joe. "What do you want to know then?"

Bucky shrugged. "Where's a nice place to take her, or somewhere that's she likes to go to? I want to do something special, something that shows I do listen." Joe smirked before calling out to Nate.

Nate entered the room before stopping, narrowing his eyes slightly at Bucky. He looked the man up and down, his over-protective brother side setting on full. "What does he want?" He asked Joe. Joe explained the help that Bucky needed causing Nate to loosen up a bit. "Well you're the first of her significant others to ever ask for help, and look where that got them. It's a good start."

Bucky thanked him hesitantly. "Do you have any help or suggestions because I really don't know? It's actually stressful." Joe laughed slightly from behind the counter. "Also, I thought Gem was working today."

Joe shook his head. "We gave her the day off, she really needed to give Theo those notebooks. Taury said she could hear him screaming through the walls of the apartment." Bucky nodded his head in understanding.

"PTSD sucks." He muttered. Joe nodded.

"Personally I don't know but I've seen how bad it is for the people close to me." Nate agreed with Joe's statement. "Back to Gem though, do you have any ideas on what you want to do?"

Bucky nodded. "Yeah, um. I'm old so dinner and probably a movie but I don't know what she'd like to see." Joe snapped his fingers before pointing to Bucky and Nate.

"She likes McDonalds and she likes Disney." Nate told him.

"How about you take her to McDonalds. Yeah, sure it may sound a bit teenage-ish but Gemini never gets tired of a good Maccies. Then after dinner, maybe, take her to watch a film, Disney preferably. Like..." Joe looked to Nate, knowing he knew many movies and their release dates.

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