CaNem, June 2040, "Sadece O ve O"

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Author's Note: "Sadece O ve O" means "Only Him and Her".

Eid-ul-Fitr,  Şeker Bayrami (Sugar or Candy Holiday) in Turkey and the rest of the Islamic world is the the festival of the Breaking of the Fast which occurs as the New Moon is sighted at the end of the month of fast.



Early morning light filters from the drawn curtains into the room and gradually awakens me.... like a gentle caress, her caress and I'm unwilling to open my eyes. I can sense that the bed is empty, she's left me early and alone, barely awake, I'm singularly thirsting for her. She's usually wrapped on me like a vine and that certain avoirdupois of her lulls me into a deep and blissful sleep! Now I'm awake and left with her lingering essence that stirs the rest of my senses, body and soul!

"Sanem", I moan, hoping that she is near, no response.

"SaNeM", I call out louder..... and still no response.

I lazily sit up in bed .... I'm already missing her terribly! The door is slightly ajar.... and the liveliness of our home trickles into the room. I can hear the children bickering and laughing somewhere... and I gravitate towards those joyous noises!

Sanem is in the kitchen, looking busy, and I silently sneak behind her, per usual. I slide my arms around her torso and lift her off the ground. She's surprised, per usual, even after all this time, of my signature move! She squeals loudly and gives herself to me.... I kiss her hair, smell her neck and wetly kiss her cheeks while coddling and curling her into me!





"CAAN, the kids!"... she hisses, laughs jestingly with trepidation and yet does not let go of me!

I turn her around and look into her eyes. For a second there, I'm lost in them, like my world is out of focus, and then spins back into axis as she looks into mine! I urgently kiss her on the lips....and she yields her lips to me! We're both breathless when we break away and she says "I don't want to get caught kissing you!" and gently nudges me. "My wife, my life.... I don't care if I'm caught, we'll show them how it is done!", I tell her and she blushes like a beautiful pink rose!


I wish the house was empty, with just me and her, and I'm tempted to yell "HERKES.... Git, git.... I want to make love to my wife, Hadi! Haydi!!"

"Caan.... tonight!" she says as though she's heard my thoughts..... but then again, she can hear my heart and soul.... and feel every inch of my body! 

I release her but I'm still holding her hands in mine. "Freshen up.... I have new clothes laid out for you today, they're my choice!", she says.  "Oakey", I tell her and she adds, "I need your help with the Dolma/Sarma and the Haydari..... you know how I can never make that Yogurt Dip!".  "Hahahaha", I laugh out loud at her and say "Just that?" and I walk away in reverse enjoying her annoyed yet amused expression!

AH.... Sanem.... my Sanem... AH!! Some things never change and I'm so eternally and existentially grateful for them!


I freshen up and get dressed in a hurry wanting to be with Sanem and everyone! She's got me a white striped Turkish cotton traditional Kaftan to mark the special occasion. It is soft, comfortable, free flowing and totally chill and cool! 

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