Chapter Seven

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A/N - I do not own Harry Potter or any of it's characters. I only play in the universe. Any ideas that other authors that recognize some of their ideas, I apologize, I have read so many stories that I can't remember where I get some of them. Send me a PM and I will try to give you the credit that you deserve. Also, constructive criticism is welcome, flames are not. If you don't like the story, then don't read it.

Chapter 7

The train ride home was quite boring compared to the leaving feast. No one bothered their compartment and so Harry and Hermione rode the train back to London remembering the fun they had at the leaving feast.

~ Flashback ~

That night at the feast, nearly everyone was talking about what happened down at the lake. The students didn't know what to make of the spectacular display of magic. The adults had mixed feelings. Most of the staff felt that Harry had been justified in his request that Flitwick be the only contact he and Hermione had with the headmaster. But some others felt that he had been more than a bit harsh when it came to what he said to the Potters and their friends. James Potter had been given a place to sit during the meal since he decided to stay with Lily because of her despairing mood.

Through all of it, Harry and Hermione sat alone, in their own bubble, they ignored all that was going on around them. Some students, mainly the Slytherins, wondered where Prof. Snape was, but when they questioned the staff, they were simply given the excuse, "Prof. Snape is busy with prior engagements. He will see you all after the break." Most other students were more than happy with this, even a few Slytherins, though they did not voice it.

Throughout most of dinner, James and Lily Potter tried to catch Harry's eye, but he studiously ignored them. He knew he was being harsh, but he felt he was entitled to be. He realized that it would only be a matter of time before they started again. They would try again to get him to open up to them and he would have to do something similar again. He also knew that the rule he had enacted would only last until the end of the school year. There was a fairly good chance that Dumbledore would try and get that rule thrown out during the summer, but he hoped that he would have a plan by then.

Towards the end of the feast, right when dessert was being served, all the torches in the Great Hall flickered. Not many students noticed, but the entire staff did. Never had the torches gone out with people still in the hall. Suddenly, the entire hall was plunged into darkness. However, before anyone could panic, lights began to appear. After a few seconds they coalesced into a magnificent Stag, a large dog, that bore a striking resemblance to a grim and a giant of a wolf. The images gave off enough light that Harry saw James, Lily, Chris, Ron, Neville, Dumbledore and more than a few staff members all gasp and widen their eyes.

The entire hall was silent, then a roar could be heard and two giant cats dove at the three animals and two birds, a falcon and a Raven dived at them. The birds continued to dive at the original three while the giant cats circled them like prey. The cats stood side by side with the birds on either side of them and the cats roared and jumped towards them while the birds streaked towards them. The Stag, Dog, and Wolf took off towards the staff table and more than a few dove out of their way. The moment before they would have hit the table, the animals dissipated into smoke and the torches came back to life. With the light back in the Great hall, the smoke stayed, but was now black as shadows, as were the giant cats and two birds. The cats sat in the middle of the hall and the birds landed on their heads, the smoke that was the original three animals shimmered and formed words over the four animals, they read, "The House of Shadows".

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