Chapter 24

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A/N - I do not own Harry Potter or any of its characters. I only play in the universe. Any ideas that other authors that recognize some of their ideas, I apologize, I have read so many stories that I can't remember where I get some of them. Send me a PM and I will try to give you the credit that you deserve. I appreciate constructive criticism but will ignore any flames you send me. If you don't like the story then don't read it.

Chapter 6

Harry and Hermione stepped out of the shadows and into the meeting room. They were the last to arrive and they took their seats. Looking around the room, Hermione saw many faces that she didn't know but Harry knew them all. He pointed them out to her with Telepathy. He's the Shadow of Japan, Shadow of the U.S., Shadow of Italy, Shadow of India and Shadow of China. Then there is Jack, Jammel, Miku, Mike, Shauna and that is Eric Longfeather.

As he pointed out each person, he sent her a list of what they did for the Order and what their skills were in. After a few more moments, Japan called the meeting to order.

"We are here to discuss the progress we have made in collecting the abominations that Tom Riddle made in his bid for immortality."

Harry muttered "Stupid ponce!" Hermione smirked but said nothing as the meeting continued.

"So far, we have obtained the Diary, that Harry and Hermione collected from Hogwarts last year, Helga Hufflepuff's goblet, with the help of the Goblins of Gringotts, and finally, the ring from the Gaunt Shack located in Little Hangleton. We have also destroyed the piece that was in Harry's scar seven years ago."

Japan paused to let everyone absorb what he said, then, "Now, the one in Harry's scar is the only one that we have destroyed. We have transferred the other pieces into the Diary, thus giving us a bigger piece of soul to use to find the others pieces."

India spoke up, "After thinking about it and discussing the matter with a few others, we have decided that the one in your scar was a mistake. Even doing the barest minimum research on the creation of these... things, one would know that to put a piece of yourself in another living being that you cannot control, would be folly. When we removed it from you, already it was slowly weakening due to your own magic, fighting against it. Therefore, we have determined that the piece that was found within your scar was simply a piece that broke off the main portion of soul, due to its instability."

Harry nodded, "I guessed as much. What have you discovered about the size of each soul piece?"

Eric Longfeather replied, "We have determined that he split his soul evenly each time he created a new horcrux."

Harry nodded, and Longfeather continued, "And from the pieces that we have, we can determine that he created six willingly and one accidental. We can be sure that he will make another as soon as he can to ensure that he has his set of seven. That means that he has at least 1/256th of a soul. At most, 1/128th of a soul."

Hermione and the others who hadn't thought about the numbers gasped.

"Holy Crap! How was this guy functioning?!" Jammel exclaimed.

Harry shrugged, "I wouldn't be surprised if he started attacking his own allies. Even splitting your soul in half once would cause insanity. Those few who created horcruxes before, only cut off a small portion of their souls because they feared losing their minds. Removing that much of one's soul effectively removes a person's humanity. I should also mention, that without their humanity, a person would be incapable of showing remorse which is the only way to mend a torn soul. Everything that I have studied about soul magic, says that you cannot split your soul any more times than what he has done or is going to do. After he hits that point where he only has 1/256th of a soul, he won't be able to split it again. To do so, would cause his soul to obliterate itself, taking the missing shards with it."

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