Chapter 14

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A/N - I do not own Harry Potter or any of it's characters. I only play in the universe. Any ideas that other authors that recognize some of their ideas, I apologize, I have read so many stories that I can't remember where I get some of them. Send me a PM and I will try to give you the credit that you deserve. I appreciate constructive criticism but will ignore any flames you send me. If you don't like the story then don't read it.

Chapter 14

The pranks towards Lockhart continued for the next two weeks. They ranged from putting a charm on him that caused his hair to change color to clash with whatever color his robes were, to a charm that caused his teeth to match whatever he was wearing. Though, one prank was kept up for a whole week. Whenever he would sit down, he would let out a really loud fart and whenever he took a drink of something, he would let out a really loud belch.

Most of the students knew that it was Harry and Hermione doing the pranks and they were heros to the few people in the castle that didn't particularly like Lockhart, but most of the students shunned them because they bought into his books and thought Lockhart was a hero. It didn't help that whenever they saw Luna being picked on, the same people would be the but of a prank the following day. Most of Ravenclaw house avoided them and barely payed them any attention because of these two reasons.

Through it all, Harry, Hermione and Luna stuck by each other. Luna was slowly growing thicker skin and not letting what others say get to her, but it was tough going. She was called names like "Loony" and constantly knocked down in the hallways. The bullies learned fast, not to touch her things. The wards on her things gave them a nasty shock and they were forced to have their hair and skin turned blue for the day.

The first week of October came around and Harry and Hermione made their way to McGonagall's office. They knocked and were admitted in.

"What can I do for you two, Mr. Daniels, Ms. Granger?"

Harry said, "We are here to see if we can get a refund for the defense books we were forced to spend a fortune on. Lockhart has not taught us a thing since the first lesson. Even that lesson, he gave us a test to boost his ego and then showed us how to run from a swarm of Cornish Pixies. Ever since, all he does in class is reenact scenes from his fictitious books."

McGonagall sighed, "I know that you have probably learned a lot when you were away, but you still need to participate in class, Mr. Daniels."

Harry shook his head, "No, I don't think I do. How is letting him grab me to show other people how he supposedly defeated a transformed werewolf, going to help me with Defense? Which, if most people used that thing between their ears, they would know is impossible. And how does knowing how to keep my nails polished and my hair straight while battling a ghoul or yeti relate to defense?"

McGonagall sighed, "I see your point. I'll take your request to Prof. Dumbledore, but I must ask, if you will not go with your classmates to DADA, then how will you study?"

Hermione answered, "We'll do self study in the library. We can get copies of end of the year exams from the past and use them as a study guide to know what to study for the tests."

McGonagall nodded and showed them out. From there, they went to Flitwick's office to have a meeting with their head of house.

Harry started, "Professor, as you might know, Professor Snape is completely unprofessional and favors his own house. Our problem is that he grades our potions unfairly and because of that, our grades in that class are barely passing. I know that the only thing that matters is OWL and NEWT results, but still. Our class standing is being affected because of his poor attitude towards us."

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