Chapter Twelve

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A/N - I do not own Harry Potter or any of it's characters. I only play in the universe. Any ideas that other authors that recognize some of their ideas, I apologize, I have read so many stories that I can't remember where I get some of them. Send me a PM and I will try to give you the credit that you deserve. I appreciate constructive criticism but will ignore any flames you send me. If you don't like the story then don't read it.

Chapter 3

The following week, Harry and Hermione finished working on their mundane high school education. At that point, they were at a High school second year level, getting ready to go into their third year level. They had already done most of the work and were simply reading it over and getting ready to mail it to the home school program that they were dealing with.

Hermione asked, "Why doesn't Hogwarts have any of this? All the mundane born students can't possibly hope to leave the normal world forever and stay strictly in the magical world. It's just not rational or practical. There are so many other opportunities in the normal world as opposed to the magical one."

Harry shrugged, "Well, in other countries, they teach both a magical education as well as a mundane one. Here in Britain, the magical world doesn't think highly of the mundane world, so they slowly work to take the mundane borns and slowly separate them from the normal world. By not teaching anything but magical studies in their schools, it helps that process along without them realizing it. Most British magicals think that there is nothing that mundanes do that magic can't do better, they don't see the need for culture, philosophy or literature that is written for just the sake of writing it. They don't know really any of Shakespeare's work. They don't know art, their view on paintings is that if it doesn't talk or not a person, then there's no real point and therefore has no use in life."

Hermione just shook her head at the British magical world and it's incessant need to isolate itself from the much bigger world outside. They stopped talking about it because it would just irritate her even more. They finished going through their work and sent it all off to be looked over. They then decided to go over their Hogwarts summer work and see if they could add any more information that they learned in the States.

That evening, the adult Grangers got home and they sat down to dinner.

Dan said, "Okay, we will head to Diagon Alley to get your school things tomorrow. We have the other doctor taking our shift so we'll be able to spend the day at home. We'll go a little after breakfast."

Harry and Hermione agreed and they finished their dinner and went back to reading their Manybooks. Hermione was almost done with Rowena's personal journal she devoted to the study of Arithmancy and Harry was almost done with reading Merlin's personal journal he devoted to studying magical theory. They spent the rest of the night sitting on the couch with Hermione resting her head on his shoulder, both reading their books in silence.

In the morning they woke and had breakfast before they all got in the car and drove to London. They walked into the Leaky Cauldron at about 10:15am and made their way to the alley. Harry said hello to Tom but couldn't talk because the tiny pub was bustling with activity. They continued on their way. When they entered the alley they made their way up to Gringotts. Once inside, they went up to a closed station and spoke to the teller sitting there. He immediately led them to Ragnok's office.

Ragnok nodded to them as the entered and bowed, "What can I do for you today?"

Harry said, "We would like to get some money from our vaults as well as visit them to get a few things."

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