Chapter 25

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A/N - I do not own Harry Potter or any of its characters. I only play in the universe. Any ideas that other authors that recognize some of their ideas, I apologize, I have read so many stories that I can't remember where I get some of them. Send me a PM and I will try to give you the credit that you deserve. I appreciate constructive criticism but will ignore any flames you send me. If you don't like the story then don't read it.

Chapter 7

Please Daniels! We're begging you! We know that it would only be this one time but if you don't, we'll have to forfeit! We just barely beat Slytherin during the last match. If we beat Gryffindor with a high enough lead, there will be no way for Gryffindor to catch up and we will win the cup!" Roger Davies said, begging Harry to play seeker since Cho was injured a few hours previous, during their last practice, a day before the game.

Apparently a bludger had smashed into her thigh, crushing her Femur and caused her to fall from her broom. She would be fine, but not before the game. Davies had the whole Quidditch team with him when he cornered Harry and Hermione walking down a corridor, talking about their plans for the coming summer.

Harry sighed, "But I don't like Quidditch, I just like flying!"

Hermione held up a hand as many on the team started to voice their disappointment. "Wait Harry. They promised it would only be this one game, after that, they won't bug you anymore. Right?" she turned to the team, who nodded their agreement. "There, see. You only have to play this one game and then you're done."

Harry simply turned to her and said, "Et tu Mione?"

Hermione smirked and rolled her eyes, "Oh, quit being so dramatic Harry. Think of it this way, think of the look on Snape's face when he realizes that you are the reason his house lost the Quidditch cup. We've already taken the House Cup from him."

Harry smirked slightly, but then wiped it off his face and sighed. "Fine. But just this once. After that, Chang is back to being your Seeker and you won't bug me anymore! Right?" he asked.

Davies and the rest of the team smiled widely and nodded their heads emphatically. "Perfectly clear Daniels. We'll have a practice tonight and tomorrow to get you ready for the match."

Harry sighed and nodded, before walking away, sulking

Later that night, Harry met with the rest of the team and they stared at his midnight black broom.

"What kind of broom is that?" one of the chasers asked.

Harry answered, "It's a Slipstream 2500. A friend sent it to me. I'd rather not use my broom because of what happened to Potter's broom. It was a gift from an old friend and I'd rather it not get destroyed. The friend that let me borrow his broom, his names Mike, doesn't have much time to fly nowadays so he let me borrow it for this game. He has a back up broom if something happens to this one and he knows that I would pay him back for it." a few of the team looked like they wanted to ask more questions, but refrained.

The next two days went by very quickly with Harry practicing until a half hour before curfew and the following day for nearly another four hours.

Finally the time for the game arrived and many people were surprised that Ravenclaw had suited up at all. Many had heard what had happened to Cho and thought that Ravenclaw would be forced to forfeit the game. When they announced that they had a substitute Seeker, many wondered who it could be. No one was more surprised than the Gryffindor team, who were expecting an easy win.

Harry Daniels and the Order of Shadows[HIATUS_SORRY]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang