Chapter Nine

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A/N - I do not own Harry Potter or any of it's characters. I only play in the universe. Any ideas that other authors that recognize some of their ideas, I apologize, I have read so many stories that I can't remember where I get some of them. Send me a PM and I will try to give you the credit that you deserve. Also, constructive criticism is welcome, flames are not. If you don't like the story, then don't read it.

Chapter 9

The following days after their adventure to get the stone were as normal as they could be. There was slight tension between both Harry and Hermione but nothing that was noticeable to anyone that didn't know them. After they got back to the common room, they both bid each other good night and Harry called Gwen to take the stone into his Merlin Vault, he figured that if ever there was a vault that was impenetrable, it was the 1st vault in the bank. He planned on giving it back to Flamel after the school year.

The following day, Hermione mirror called Miku, who was fast becoming her best girlfriend, despite their age difference and was currently in Belgium.

Hermione said, "Miku, I have a problem."

Miku replied, "What is it? Did something happen between you and Harry?"

Hermione nodded, unable to trust her voice for a few seconds.

When she finally got her thoughts in order, she said, "When we got the stone, it was being held within a mirror. It was the Mirror of Erised. Do you know what that does?"

Miku nodded and Hermione continued, "Well, whatever it showed Harry, it caused him to stare into it for a while. We got the stone but he seemed to be mesmerized. He looked like he was really happy. Well, I didn't realize what mirror it was at the time, so after we put the fake back in the mirror, I wanted to know what had him so enraptured, so I stood in front of it and looked at it."

Miku said, "Well? What did you see that has you all tied up in a knot?"

Hermione bit her lip, "You can't tell him, or anyone for that matter" Miku nodded and Hermione continued, "I saw my family, and... Harry standing next to me. We were a bit older but we were holding hands and looking at each other like we were more than friends. I don't know what to do? I think he likes me like that but I'm not sure."

Miku smiled as Hermione told her what was wrong, Harry had called her earlier and told her the same thing, she said, "Well, the only thing you can do is talk about it with him. You told me about what he did when you found out you had all those vaults. I have to say, he likes you. Either that or he was just trying to get a cheap kiss from you, though in the almost 7 years that I've known that kid, he doesn't seem like the type. I know this much though, if you like him, then talk to him about it. You never know, maybe he saw you in the mirror too."

Hermione sighed, she was afraid Miku was going to say that, "But I don't want to ruin our friendship. He was the first and so far, he is my only friend. I have other acquaintances, but he is my only true friend. I don't want to make things weird between us."

Miku smiled at her insecurities, "Don't worry Hermione, if he is truly your friend, he won't let things get weird between you. If he doesn't feel the same way, then he will let you know in a way that doesn't make you feel bad. Besides, he's a boy, girls mature faster than boys, not to mention boys are sometimes stupid."

Hermione giggled, "Okay. Thanks for listening Miku, I'll talk to you later."

The 19 year old smiled at the 11 year old, "By Hermione, don't worry. It'll all work out."

Hermione smiled and put the mirror away. She left her room and walked downstairs. She saw Harry sitting on the couch reading his Manybook, probably some book on Runes.

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