Chapter Eight

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A/N - I do not own Harry Potter or any of it's characters. I only play in the universe. Any ideas that other authors that recognize some of their ideas, I apologize, I have read so many stories that I can't remember where I get some of them. Send me a PM and I will try to give you the credit that you deserve. Also, constructive criticism is welcome, flames are not. If you don't like the story, then don't read it.

Chapter 8

The rest of the Holidays went by quickly. Harry and Hermione spent their days reading and talking about magic. The evenings were spent watching movies with the elder Grangers and talking about the places that Harry had been to. He also told them a little more about what the Order did.

Before they knew it, they were at Platform 9¾, getting ready to board the Hogwarts Express back to school. They saw the Malfoy family arrive and when Draco started talking, the Grangers and Harry all noticed the expression of relief on the adult Malfoys as Draco's voice started to return to normal.

Dan chuckled, "You didn't say that the spell would last the whole break. You mean his voice was high pitched like that the whole time?"

Harry smirked, he knew that the Malfoys were listening to their conversation, "I have no idea what you're talking about Dan. I would never jinx someone that way. I wouldn't even know where to learn something like that. I know friends that know how, and they would teach me if I asked, but I never did."

They all laughed at the double talk and walked away, leaving behind a very angry Malfoy family. As they made their way to the train, they passed by a few families, Harry and Hermione greeted the few classmates that they knew and answered their questions about their holidays. They saw the Potters, Lord Black and Remus Lupin, but Harry and Hermione studiously ignored them. They talked with Emma and Dan for a bit, then got on the train.

They found an empty compartment towards the back of the train. Harry glanced out the window and saw that Lily Potter was getting on the train as well, most likely to be a chaperon for the way back. He threw up a notice-me-not ward on their door and sat back opened a book. Hermione copied him and opened up her new Manybook to read more about Rowena Ravenclaw through her journal. Harry read more about Goblin Runes. They were different from what he was used to and he found them fascinating.

The trip back went by fairly quickly. Harry only dropped the ward on their compartment for the trolley so they could get something to eat. After the trolley lady left, he once again put a notice-me-not ward up and they continued reading in silence. When they got back to Hogsmeade station, they saw Padma, Su Li and Lisa. They exchanged hellos and asked about each other's holidays. Harry and Hermione had decided to just give their friends some candy and never-ending notebooks. In return, they received an assortment of candies from their friends.

As they reached the main hall, McGonagall stopped them and pierced them with a glare, "While I appreciate the wonder book you sent me, I do not appreciate that you sent the Weasley twins more ideas for their pranks. I have to take 5 points each for contributing to create chaos in the school."

Harry and Hermione smiled innocently, "We have no idea what you're talking about professor. We just sent our friends a book that we thought they might find interesting, the same as you and Professors Flitwick and Sprout."

McGonagall just shook her head and walked off. A few of the other Ravenclaws were irritated that they had managed to get points taken away while they were away from the break, but then realized that it wasn't much and they would most likely make those points back up during their first class. Harry and Hermione quietly walked into the Great Hall for the welcoming feast. They sat quietly as the headmaster made his normal "Welcome back" speech and then started eating. All the while, Harry ignored the sad looks coming from Lily Potter.

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