Chapter 22

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A/N - I do not own Harry Potter or any of its characters. I only play in the universe. Any ideas that other authors that recognize some of their ideas, I apologize, I have read so many stories that I can't remember where I get some of them. Send me a PM and I will try to give you the credit that you deserve. I appreciate constructive criticism but will ignore any flames you send me. If you don't like the story then don't read it.

Chapter 4

The four figures slowly made their way down the trail. Finally, they reached the dilapidated shack. The lead shadowy figure motioned for another, much shorter, figure to move forward. After a few minutes, the figure motioned for them to move forward.

The leader asked, "Clawgouge, what did you find?"

The shorter figure responded, "Standard wizard wards. A few of the more 'illegal' wards, but nothing a goblin can't take care of."

The leader nodded. "Shauna, are you ready in case we come across a parsel ward?"

Shauna nodded. "Yeah Japan. After Harry transferred his parseltongue ability, he gave me whatever he could on parselmagic."

Japan nodded and they slowly made their way up. Every so often they would have to stop and wait for Clawgouge to take down a ward or two. Eventually they got to the front porch of the shack. When Clawgouge reached for the door, Shauna's hand shot forward.

"STOP! There is a parsel ward on the door. Let me take a look."

They stayed where they were while she examined the ward on the door. After a few minutes, they heard her hiss something in the serpent language. They were startled when the snake remains nailed to the door with a knife, hissed back. Slowly the door creaked open.

The party cautiously made their way into the shack, Clawgouge and Shauna leading the others. Once inside, Shadow started muttering spells, trying to decipher where the foul magic they all sensed, was coming from.

"There is something under the floorboards, but all I can gather is it is protected by very dangerous magic. The protections are what is causing the hateful magic in the air."

The fourth man in the group, Eric Longfeather, said, "I sense the soul piece. It is something that is very subtle and you have to specifically look for in the magic around it. It is buried beneath the black magic that protects it."

Shadow nodded. "Okay, well, let's get this done and get out of here."

Clawgouge and Shauna worked together to create a hole in the wards, surrounding the horcrux. Once done, they held it in place while Shadow dispelled the more dangerous spells on the floorboards and brought a small box up. He then removed the spells on the box and took a small ring out out of it. Longfeather quickly took it and Shadow created a duplicate. He recreated the spells the original had on it, put it back in the box. They put everything back as it was and made they way off the property, re-erecting the wards back in place as they went.

After being on the property for less than an hour, they shadow walked away, leaving the magic as it was before they arrived.


The month of October went by fast. Harry and Hermione continue helping their friends with magic and with the patronus charm. They give each of their friends books on different magics from other countries as well as books on mind magic, stating that it would help them with their overall magic. Towards the end of September, their small group got two new members. Susan Bones and Hannah Abbot approached them in the Library and they all became fast friends. Harry and Hermione taught them a bit about wandless magic and about what he learned before Hogwarts. They found that Hannah was almost as good at Herbology as Neville Longbottom, while Susan was good with Defense. She explained that it was because her aunt, Amelia Bones, was head of the DMLE.

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