Chapter 26

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A/N - I do not own Harry Potter or any of its characters. I only play in the universe. Any ideas that other authors that recognize some of their ideas, I apologize, I have read so many stories that I can't remember where I get some of them. Send me a PM and I will try to give you the credit that you deserve. I appreciate constructive criticism but will ignore any flames you send me. If you don't like the story then don't read it.

Chapter 8

"So it's decided. You will lead the attack, do as much damage as possible and get out. Then, when the time is right, the bait will be ready and the trap will spring with they least expect it." a shadowy figure said.

Another asked, "Are we sure the brat will fall for it?"

The first speaker snarled, "Of Course! If the bait is right, then the brat will come to us and we can take care of the rest."

With the plan set, the various black cloaks started disappearing one by one until the cave was empty of all inhabitants.


"Come one! Move your feet. The best way to avoid a spell is not to shield, it's to not be there when the curse hits!" Harry shouted over the din of spellfire.

It was the middle of May, the Quidditch season was finally over with Ravenclaw winning the cup. Gryffindor had beaten Slytherin but didn't have the points to catch up with Ravenclaw. Though, Harry had a suspicion when the game started that Wood was just trying to keep Slytherin from winning it again. The night after the game, Harry slept like a baby, after witnessing Snape's glower. Most of Ravenclaw thanked him and attributed the win to his superb playing against Gryffindor.

He was brought back to the present when a chime sounded throughout the room. It signaled that their morning training was done with and they needed to head back to their dorms to start the day. Everyone gathered up their things and made their way out of the Room of Requirement. The group of friends went their separate ways, all being very proud with what they'd been able to get done in such a short amount of time.

They had all successfully cast a corporeal patronus and had no issues with it anymore. Their Occlumency shields were all very strong, and thanks to Harry and Hermione, they each learned Battle-based Occlumency and could easily hold their own against Snape or Dumbles. Their dueling skills had improved drastically as well. However, while Susan and Hannah could hold their own against most people and were just as good as the others in the group, they found that their interests laid outside of offensive magic.

Hannah found that she like healing much more and found she had a knack for it. Susan found that she liked the idea of spellcrafting and would frequently join Hermione when experimenting. The three Slytherins were of the mind that they knew they would be forced to fight when the time came, so they made ready for it. They already knew that they would choose Harry's side and made sure to let him know that. The lions of their group were the same. They were sure that their family would choose to back Dumbledore, but the three of them would follow Harry all the way.

By the end of April, McGonagall was impressed with their progress with their animagus training. They had already started getting the senses from their animal forms and they were already incorporating their more animalistic tendencies into their natural behavior. The only thing left that they had to do was to transform and keep the transformation for an extended period of time. After debating with Harry and Hermione for a week, Minerva relented and gave up on her idea of bringing in the only other two animagi in the castle. Both Ravens were reluctant to let anyone outside of their small circle know about their extra abilities, especially two people that were as close to the headmaster as James Potter and Sirius Black.

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