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"Tanya!" Jian called out as she hopped into the tent.

The inner parts of the tent were warm, and a few small bits of it were rather cold.

Rayan blew a cold puff around her scarf as she trailed behind Jian.

Tanya was sound asleep, resting in a bed.

"Oh, look. Isn't she cute." Jian joked as she pulled out a warmed up blanket from the side to place over Tanya.

"That's sweet and all, but you need to rest aswell." Rayan said.

Jian pouted as she instantly dragged Rayan who hesitated and started to drag herself away.

"Hey! Hey! Jian, i'm going to sleep later, ok???" Rayan said.

Jian wasn't listening and was still dragging Rayan to sleep.

"No! You need to sleep now!" Jian indisted hard.

Rayan sighed as she lost streangth for a quick second which in turn made Jian have the upper hand and was able to yank Rayan who gave an unnoticable yelp as she landed beside Tanya.

Tanya was awoken to that, and was startled as she was. She glanced back and forth beside her to see Jian smirking and Rayan weakly smiling.

"What is going on?" Tanya asked with a stern glare over Rayan.

Rayan started apologize.

Tanya was somewhat annoyed getting woken like that.

Jian giggled as she pulled Tanya back down to rest her head.

"Jian..." Tanya mumbled in annoyance.

"Shut up." Jian smiled.

Rayan sighed as she tried to get back up, but was pulled back down by the wrist from Jian.

"Jian, I need to work." Rayan nagged.

"You can do it tommorrow!" Jian pouted as she yanked Rayan back down beside Tanya who was still annoyed towards Jian.

Bad luck that Jian can fall asleep without even trying if she wants to.

"You two are not sleeping with me again, damnit." Tanya huffed.

"Too bad I guess." Rayan sighed as she pointed over to Jian who was sound asleep.

Tanya sighed as she shifted slightly for Rayan who was held by the arm like on a leash.

"You really can't say no when it comes to Jian, huh..." Rayan chuckled.

"I really can't at all." Tanya sighed.


"Alright, if anyone tries to ever bother you second luitenant Serebryakov, we'll be right in here." The man saluted, before walking back in his shared tent.

Visha nodded and soon went back to the tent she shares with.

"Captain Tanya? Captain Jian, captain Rayan???" Visha quietly called out, before quietly humming after hearing light snoring.

Visha smiled as she watched the three sleeping together.

"Captain Tanya really likes sleeping in the middle with someone beside her, huh..." Visha quietly pondered as she placed a blanket over the three, before walking over to keep guard.

'So cute...' Visha thought as she started to read of some documents in hand.

Weiss wasn't around since he was sick and slightly injured in the forehead from a sudden attack around his hometown.

Where'd He Get My Vessel? (youjo senki)(saga of Tanya the evil)Where stories live. Discover now