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Tanya let out a small yawn whilst looking around for a bit, before feeling the slight weight by her left shoulder. Glancing over to her left, it was just Jian still fast asleep.

"Jian, wake up." She muttered while gently shaking by the shoulder.

Jian tiredly opened an eye and looked over to Tanya before smiling.

Tanya raised a brow from it, a memory struck her head making her flinch slightly from it and whine, before a sting of pain came through her head.

"What's wrong?" Rayan asked while glancing down over to the two.

"Nothing, just a little headache..." Tanya muttered out.

Rayan slightly furrowed her brows from the familiar answer and quickly brushed it off as soon as she was able to sit up beside Tanya.

Jian gave a confused look as she let herself fall back down beside the bed.

"I'm hungry..." Jian pondered out loud.

Tanya scratched the back of her neck before accidentally hitting Rayan's bandaged arm. She apologized as soon as she heard Rayan yelp from it happening.

"It's so early..." Jian said outloud while looking out the half open window.

Tanya hunmed before asking, "what did we talk about last night again?"

"We talked about stuff we were trying to remember." Rayan answered fast.

Tanya nodded in response whilst standing up to walk around the room.

They wore the brown shoes that they spotted just last nights small conversation.

"Where are you going, Tanya?" Rayan asked.

"Nowhere. I'm not just going to go and walk around, Rayan. I'm not stupid." Tanya answered back with slight furrow on her brow.

Ran raised her hands mid-air in mercy for that one.

Jian giggled, rolling around a bit on the soft white bed, before saying, "I want to eat something. I want breakfast."

"We should wait, Jian." Tanya said.

"I know that, and besides i'm not that hungry too, Tanya." Jian said before a giggle escaped her lips.

Tanya hummed, before walking back over to the middle bed and then sitting back down to rest a little more.

Jian smiled while going over to Tanya for a hug.

Tanya complied and didn't care that much on the personal space Jian was taking out.

Rayan sat back again beside Tanya before opening up a subject to talk about.

"I had a really weird dream of being an elite mage last night." She began the conversation for it to open up.

"All of us were so worried of you three!" A sudden yell came from the open door.

The three of them stared in confusion before one of them asked, "who are you?"

Neumann hummed in response from the question before saying, "it's me captains...R-Rhiner Neumann??"

Visha patted him in the shoulder while whispering, "they can't remember all too well."

Neumann sighed from that reply and nodded it off before walking over to the three.

Tanya was a little paranoid from the small whispering Visha did which made her aware of them getting near.

"Take another step and i'll tear you apart..!" She threatened.

Neumann instantly froze in spot and began to slowly back away.

"Captain Tanya seems to be slightly on the edge from forgetting..." Koenig pondered over to Weiss.

Weiss agreed to that as he averted eye contact from Tanya's cold piercing glare.

It was still frightening for them.

"Hi, Tanya, Rayan, and Jian." Visha said while smiling, and then bowing slightly infront of the three.

Rayan was a little surprised whilst muttering out a, "hi.".

"My name is Viktoriya Ivanovna Serebryakov, or Visha for short." Visha was introducing herself.

"Hi! I'm Jian, this is Rayan and this is Tanya!" Jian smiled back while waving a hand towards the older men behind Visha.

Tanya didn't really approve on anything that much though. She was still wary of them.

Grantz frowned, before whispering over to Koenig a small favor.

Koenig understood and took a deep breath before walking over to Nuemann's side.

"Please forgive Neumann for his uncultured discipline. I promise you he cannot hurt you in any way that we all can think of." He said while yanking Nuemann to bow down with him.

Tanya scoffed back in response to that happening though.

The four men frowned in disappointment to themselves from that response they got back.

Visha was slightly taken back from it aswell that she took a few steps backwards and away from the three.

"It's ok." Rayan began.

"Tanya, doesn't really like anyone else getting too near her..." she said.

They all understood and made sure to keep their distance to Tanya's comfort zone and began to ask a few questions that can trigger a memory to them.


"Cool! I wanna be an elite mage!" Jian smiled.

They all laughed and agreed to that.

"Captain Tanya, I made coffee for you." Visha said while holding out the small cup.

Tanya raised a brow and tilted her head to that, and cautiosly took the cup from Visha's hand.

Visha was slightly uneasy to this but she had to anyways.


"Tell me, doctor. What is their situation in the hospital?" Maxiliam asked.

"You see, sir. The young girls got themselves poisoned by a piercing bullet, the poison acts like a spell to lock up certain memories into a ball for a few years or so to weaken the target." The doctor explained.

Maxiliam hummed, glancing down on his desk whilst thinking, 'how can I be so blind on not keeping eye contact..?'

'I should really keep a better close eye on those three...their talents on fighting and completing missions is perfect, with their situation of being defenseless they could fall into the wrong hands.' Maxiliam thought before sitting back up straight.

"How long will it take for them to remember everything?" He asked.

"The shortest year I could find is four years if they are quickly placed in a family to begin learning." The doctor answered.

'Four years..? Would it be better if I give them thirteen years instead?' Maxiliam thought before dismissing the small and urgent meeting with the doctor.

'Perhaps thirteen years would be suitable and they can then go to proper school that's meant for children around their age.' He thought before taking out a paper to write up a letter.

Where'd He Get My Vessel? (youjo senki)(saga of Tanya the evil)Where stories live. Discover now