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"Change of plan for your pictures I suppose..?" Tanya muttered.

Jian being the right headed one, pinched Tanya by the side.

"Hey! What the hell!??" Tanya yelled whilst quickly smacking Jian's hand away.

"Let's have a vacation soon! Or moreover a retirement soon to see mother!" Jian suggested.

In slight shock, Tanya did think of it as a nice idea to retire, but how can she when she just got back in service just a couple days ago from a kidnap..? And with Jian and Rayan on work only a couple of months.

"No, perhaps a vacation would work. But not that soon, Jian." Tanya said, before she began to walk back inside the room she went out.

"Change of plan, they're not taking their picture today." Tanya announced.

The three maids and Visha were a little disapponted. But rolled with it as they wouldn't want to get pinched by Tanya's wicked and devilish ideas of torture or worse was death.


"You guys just love staying up late to work, huh?" Jian snickered while laying on the bed with her upper body hanging by the bed side.

"Jian, don't ever lay on a bed like that in public." Tanya nagged.

"What!? But we're inside our room!" Jian protested.

"That was just a small warning, Jian." Rayan said while chuckling, after dipping the quil inside the small jar of ink.

"I know, but what if we went on a vacation and we needed to stay in a hotel for a bit?" Jian pondered.

Tanya groaned from the sudden annoying memory she had behind her head.

"What's wrong, Tanya..?" Rayan asked while looking over to Tanya.

"Nothing, I just remembered the same hotel where all the plans I and sir. Lerhgen created were burnt to ashes." Tanya answered.

"I hate sleeping gowns..." Tanya muttered under her breath.

"Then wear a shirt." Jian said after rolling her eyes.

"I don't have one. And buying one in public would ruin my picture and get a private meeting with sir. Maxiliam." Tanya frowned after explaining her situation.

Jian giggled as she hopped up on the bed, before saying, "I mean, you've gotta keep a character the human eye can only see, right?"

"Yeah, you do keep up with this certain trait where you'd keep an eye out on what you usually do out in public so not much people would glue their eyes on you." Rayan said, while placing her medal and jewel down on the desk.

"I suppose what you two are explaining to me is true. It's quite blunt of you two to say those aswell." Tanya said after shrugging them by the arms.

"Then how about mother sew us some shirts??" Jian bluntly suggested.

Tanya and Rayan were a little surprised by this.

"W-what do you mean, Jian?" Rayan asked.

"What? Mother made me these shirts because she was afraid of what I would wear in public!" Jian explained as she pointed towards the long sleeved white shirt she had on.

Where'd He Get My Vessel? (youjo senki)(saga of Tanya the evil)Where stories live. Discover now