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"We got what we wanted now let's go, we've been gone for almost two hours or so." Tanya said as he stood up after wiping the side of his lip with a clean napkin one last time.

The waiter bid his gratitude and fairwell to the three blonde men who shared theirs back to him as they walked out of the restaurant ready to leave and get back to the party.

"How are we going to explain if they found out?" Rayan asked while folding his sleeves up.

"Welp, I'm full! Hang on!" Jian commented while stretching his arms out, before a spell spilled off of his own toungue.

A small portal had opened up infront of him and he reached his hand in to grab.

"Ah! Here we are!" He said as he yanked three coats out of the small portal.

It was the same coats they had left a while ago.

Rayan took his coat and nodded Jian off. While Tanya stared in almost clear disbelief as he stared at Jian who gave him a flustered look when he wore his coat on.

"You said you can only open one portal a day!!!" Tanya hissed.

"Oy! I meant I can only open big portals once!" Jian corrected while taking a step back with a hand held up for defense.

Tanya's mind almost flipped upside down when he heard Jian's answer back as soon as he let out a distressed groan.

"Jian, you should maybe say things more specifically next time." Rayan suggested as he patted Tanya's back.

Tanya continued to rub his face a bit from the confusion his older brother had brought upon him while letting Rayan come in physical contact with him.

"It's not my fault he's a bit slow now." Jian commented while brushing his sleeves a bit.

"Well, what if someone was in the room while you were putting your hand in??" Tanya said.

Jian scratched the back of his head with a hand in response while smirking in complete embarrassment.

"They could've called the cops or something, by far I wouldn't want them doing something far worse than that!" Tanya scolded the older one who obeyed to listen.

"If there were people, they would've pulled my whole arm in." Jian said with complete carelessness.

Tanya's eye twitched for a quick second before smacking Jian by the head.

Rayan flinched as he tried to act fast by trying to yank Tanya away.

Jian's reflexes acted up immediately and was able to block the incoming hit just in time but got him to stumble back from the seemingly strong impact that hit his arm.

Rayan quickly held Tanya back while trying to calm the situation down.

"What on earth is that supposedly related to..?" He scowled.

Jian stuck his toungue out before saying, "then it would mean nobody was in the room, duh?!!"

Tanya hesitated in hitting him once again while holding his knuckles mid-air.

"Captain!" A yell came from afar.

Behind Jian stood Visha.

"Visha!?" Tanya stammered out as he composed himself back completely.

Visha knelt down a bit and helped Jian up who yawned as he dusted himself once more.

"What perfect timing..." Rayan sighed as he took his grip away from Tanya who was explaining things out.

Where'd He Get My Vessel? (youjo senki)(saga of Tanya the evil)Where stories live. Discover now