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Rayan stood out in the open, the darkness was illuminating everywhere.

Rayan stood out in the open, the darkness was illuminating everywhere

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"So dark...yet peaceful..." she muttered under her cold breath.

But was quickly taken in surprise from a sudden and loud gunshot from behind her.

In complete panic she dashed back inside to see what had just happened to cause such an alarm into using a gun.


"What the hell..!? Is that a spy!?" Tanya muttered as she took cautios steps towards the man wearing all black and definetly had a hole in the head.

"A spy?" Jian asked.

"Wait! Wouldn't that gunshot alarm a few people around???" Jian asked.

Tanya can really be clueless at some point in time.

"Uh-oh..." Tanya whimpered, before sighing in disappointment.

Jian hummed, stepping out from behind the door, and then making her way towards the body laying outside their door.

"Captain?! I heard a gunshot, what happened!?" They heard a sudden yell, they both glanced as to where it came from and it was Visha running towards them and thrn halting beside the body in slight shock.

"It's ok! Tanya took care of the bad man!" Jian reassured Visha with a gleeful smile while patting Tanya on both shoulders from behind.

Tanya liked the fact that she was getting credited over a small thing.

"I think it's a spy. Jian woke me up when she saw it behind the door." Tanya said.

"B-but how did Jian see if this man was behind your bedroom door..?" Visha muttered.

"She used a spell. I'm just hoping it didn't alarm too much people sleeping or working very late." Tanya replied.

Visha saluted before taking her leave.

Tanya and Jian stood there watching Visha walk away, before placing their attention over the man with a hole in the head.

"What happened?" But was quicmly shaken as soon as they heard a question from behind them.

It was just Rayan.

"S-sorry! Did I scare you too much!" Rayan quickly apologized from that suddenly happening.

Tanya furrowed her eye brows, while saying, "it's fine. Just where were you?"

"Oh, I went outside to feel the cold air for a quick second." Rayan answered.

"What do you mean a quick second??? You were gone for like three hours, you got me worried!" Jian nagged.

Rayan weakly smiled, before saying, "it felt nice so I wasn't able to realize three hours have passed since I walked out of the room, but what happened though? There was a loud gunshot."

Jian stuck her tounge out and pointed over to the corpse.

"...is that..? Second hand spy Merik?" Rayan mumbled.

"Stop, we'll take care of this in the morning. I'm tired of his shit being tossed at me without warning!"  Tanya said, before weighing herself down on her bed.

Jian closed the door behind them and went back to bed.


"Hey, Visha! Do you think Tanya would like a thirteen year vacation?" Jian asked.

Visha hummed while placing the pile of paper in one of the small shelves.

"She would I think. She works really hard and doesn't really try and relax too much." Visha answered.

"Now that I think of it, i've never gone to a school except the military school actually." Rayan said, after placing the quil down and then covering the small jar.

"Y'now...that gives me an idea..." Jian while mischievously giggling.

Visha shivered from that happening while Rayan let out a quiet and exasparated sigh.

"What if I made a diversed plan to distract Tanya and get the top head to give us three a thirteen year vacation??" Jian suggested.

Rayan felt slightly uneasy by such suggestion, which made her say, "wouldn't that be...h-hard to do, 'cause Tanya has worked here long enough to get that than us both..?"

Jian pouted, placing a hand by her right cheek while mumbling, "you have a point there..."

"Ah! I know, we can ask God for help!" Jian cheered while holding Rayan by her cheeks.

"God..?" Visha quietly hummed.

"Ok! I want to, perhaps I and Weiss can take Tanya's spot in the work pile." Visha said.

"Ehh!? But she has more than two small shelves filled with workload, are you sure you and Weiss can do it??" Rayan was surprised.

"Captain Tanya has placed me in a lot of dangerous missions and decisions! I'm sure I can handle it fine with the help of first luitenant Weiss!" Visha said.

Jian smiled, before agreeing to the plan.


"So you were able to kill this spy with the help of your sister Jian Degurechaff, huh..." Maxiliam pondered while staring at the corpde infront of them.

"Yes, sir. Although I apologize for killing him, we would've been able to get some information out of him if it weren't for my carelessness." Tanya said with a stern tone and posture of her body.

"Please do not apologize, major Tanya. I would've reacted the same aswell if this spy was behind the door of my room." Maxiliam forgave Tanya's small mistake.


"So you make an empire you've once fought get mad and attack us then." Visha said.

Rayan frowned, sighing as she agreed to it.

"We wont easily pull this off y'now..." Rayan said.

"I told you, God will help us!" Jian reassured Rayan who was uneasy of the plan.


"You two are near responsible with this letter..." Tanya said after slamming a fist on her desk.

Jain hummed in response, before asking, "what letter, Tanya?"

Rayan stood quiet while trying to maintain eye contact.

"This sudden and urgent letter of being sent out the far north for air defense!" Tanya yelled while throwing her hands in mid-air.

Jian shrugged back in response.

"We are going to die..." Tanya said afer letting out an exasparated sigh.

"C'mon now, Tanya! We'll live for more than another year!" Jian said while walking beside Tanya to ease her down.

Rayan did the same and reassured Tanya aswell.

"Tsk! Being X..!" Tanya quietly growled as she took a quil by the side and began writing a letter of agreement back.

Where'd He Get My Vessel? (youjo senki)(saga of Tanya the evil)Where stories live. Discover now