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Maxiliam was flustered of the situation.

"Yes way! We can look handsome in a span of five years!" Jian said whilst smiling.

"The explanation is sort of complicated, but I am Rayan, that over there is Jian and this here is Tanya." Rayan said.

"Wait! Wait! So you're telling me that I was talking to the captains and I introduced myself!??" Weiss yelled.

"Pretty much! Yes, you were saying your full name infront of Tanya." Jian giggled.

Rayan snickered, quickly covering his mouth to hide his laughter.

"It's good to be back in service again, sir." Tanya said with a stern voice over to Maxiliam.

Maxiliam was still slightly surprised by the situation though.

"I can't believe you three fooled me that you were girls. Your files and documents even say you three are biologically female aswell." Maxiliam pondered.

The three were confused.

'Is he thinking we lied about our real genders before we hit the age of fourteen..?' The three thought all at the same time.

"I suppose you can say it that way!" Jian said while shrugging by the arms.

"Should we tell them that we just got the gender magically changed..?" Rayan whispered over to Tanya who felt uneasy from that.

'Ok, if we do tell the truth they might question more and probably use it too...' Tanya thought before saluting once more.

"I don't even know who this special person is that you even prepared a cake for them, a table filled with presents and a lot of guests too." Jian pondered while glancing around him.

"This party is for the three of you." Maxiliam said.

Jian stared for a while before asking, "you're joking right?"

Maxiliam was telling the truth.


"Tanya! Hello~?" Jian said while waving a hand infront of Tanya's face.

The party was calming, a few men talking here and there, some with their lovers and children. And a few guests from other empires too.

Tanya was yanked back to reality as she looked over to Jian with a confused look.

"What is it?" She asked.

"You've been spacing out for a while, are you ok?" Rayan asked.

Tanya hummed, placing a ahnd over his chin before dismissing with an, "i'm fine.".

Rayan sat back up straight after tilting his head over to Tanya while saying, "ok, if anything seems out of place just tell us."

Tanya nodded before he began staring out infront of him again.

Jian raised a brow as he began to follow where Tanya's direction of looking was. A smug look toward his curios expression as he poked Rayan by the shoulder to get his attention.

"What is it?" Rayan asked.

"Tanya's staring at her." Jian whispered.

Where'd He Get My Vessel? (youjo senki)(saga of Tanya the evil)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu