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It was like a dangerous fate to be told.

For a mother of three children that were on the verge of death, she wasn't letting that happen in her case.

"Where are my daughter!??" A woman in their 40th's yelled after opening the doors of a private military hospital.

There were a few doctors pulling her away due to strict rules around the hospitals.

"I need to see them!" She yelled whilst pushing through the doctors.

Visha heard the commosion and quickly saved the older woman from getting thrown out and also led her to the correct room.

And there laid three girls in three different beds with three different injuries, but with the same poison to endure.

"Oh, dear God...please God, help them..." the woman prayed with all her might as she sat there almost tearing up.

Visha frowned before sitting beside the older woman to reassure her, "everything will be ok, mam."

Soomer or later, a doctor came in with a good and bad news.

It always must start with the bad news to reassure them fast.

"The bad news is that they will forget who they are, what happened, and why they're here, since it was too late and the poison from the bullet has flown through their brain." The doctor explained, before saying, "the good news is that they will live. Jian Degurechaff somehow survived a bullet pierced through the chest, and I take it as miracle. I pray that God may have mercy on them."


"Don't worry you three...your mother is right here to take care of you..." a mutter under her breath as she carressed a warm soaked towel over the head of each girl that was resting.

What a day...


"First luitenant Weiss, we should atleast finish some work for them so that they wouldn't be loaded with work which would make Tanya work as soon as possible." Visha suggested.

Weiss nodded with a smile of agreement as he began helping Visha with the paperworks from the triplets.


The old mother hummed a quiet melody as she placed the first names on the shirts for the three to wear.

"Knowing their first names should help them remember slowly..." she muttered outloud as she began neatly folding them with a pair of pants.


Days can pass by like hours and hours can pass by like months too. Whatever the case of time moving, it can be different for people around the globe in all fairness.

Tanya glanced around her, everything was white, the bed, the covers, the pillows, and the curtains that parted her from the other beds by the sides she doesn't know are there.

Almost everything was white to her view.

She glanced around for a little bit more before noticing the folded shirt infront of her with a small tag 'Tanya' on it.

Where'd He Get My Vessel? (youjo senki)(saga of Tanya the evil)Where stories live. Discover now