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Jian giggled while reloading the small pistol in hand.

"Don't worry! All of you are going to be there to back me up just incase things go boom!" Jian said.

Visha smiled from that small reassurance. I mean what Jian said seemed adorable and cute to her while followed by the other four men present with them.

Suddenly the speaker turned up and reported itself in with, "we're now reaching enemy territory, I repeat, we're now reaching enemy territory."

Jian hummed, before hopping up and stretching to go towards the nearest window to take a quick look.

"Uh-oh..." she snickered while watching the small balls of grey smoke quickly form itself around a few buildings. She continued to snicker before laughing outloud.

The others were curious and a bit frightened as they went unto the window Jian looked at to see why.

"Wait! What's going on..!?" Weiss asked after seeing the balls of smoke himself.

Jian calmed herself back down, before explaining it by, "Tanya must be attempting an escape out of the bad place. I'm not really sure where she got the help for it though."

"Now it's more fun to try and guess how she managed to get out of her cell if she was really captured." Jian pondered while putting on black jacket, before wearing her own personal built technology to let her fly.

The magic in her jewel wouldn't let her handle all too well on any of the army technology that was available for mages. And the small technology built for her was personally built and designed by dr. Schugel himself.

The crazy mad scientist can really have some bright ideas in hand when needed.

Jian hummed as she lastly wore the vest and green boots on.

"I'm reporting myself in now." Jian said, while walking towards the plane doors.

Visha was caught in surprise and it was also too late to call over to Jian who already jumped before she could stop her.

"We need to catch up to her!" Weiss yelled while hopping off the plane followed with the rest of the other company behind him.

Jian dashed in an area which was isolated due to the huge alarms that were alerted by the big explosions that also caused an erruption on the soldiers who were in duty to keep an eye out for spies as such.

Landing down quietly, she started to casually walk around trying to find something or perhaps somebody.


"Hang on..!" Tanya whinced while holding unto the side of her stomach from slight pain.

Rayan quietly whimpered and apology as she glanced behind and infront of her at the the same time while trying to hold Tanya up so she wouldn't fall to the ground with a strong hit.

"Tanya, c-can we move now..?" Rayan quietly blurted out as she saw a figure emerge from infront and afar from them.

Tanya mentally sighed as she tried to regain the last bits of her strength to run and hide with Rayan.

'She placed bombs in a really important building to attract attention, and so why is she still afraid from an isolated place??' Tanya thought to herself while hiding behind Rayan in a dark spot.

'At this very rate i'm going to faint from the lack of rest and from how weak my stamina has become.' Tanya continued her small thought as she soon loosened her hold on Rayan's shoulder.

Rayan frowned as she heard the steps getting closer and closer.

That was also when Tanya fainted and almost fell face first if it weren't for Rayan who was able to catch her as soon as she almost hit the ground.

'No! Tanya not now!!' Rayan thought as she tried to wake Tanya back up.

"Rayan?? Tanya?? Is that you two?" A sudden call made Rayan flinch in slight confusion.

She glanced back on where the emerging shadow was and in a corner she saw Jian peeking.

"J...Jian..?" Rayan mumbled.

Jian took her time before smiling as she walked over to them.

"I missed you!" Jian exclaimed as she went for a big hug on Rayan who choked for a quick second.

"What happened to Tanya?" Jian asked.

Rayan weakly laughed as she tried to explain, "I had to beat her up p-pretty badly...s-sorry."

"You did what!? Didn't God say this was all part of the plan and that when Tanya gets kidnapped for interrogation you don't hurt her?!?" Jian yelped.

"S-sorry! I had to, if I don't they might get suspicious and might kill Tanya instead of letting her spend a few more days before execution!! I swear I didn't mean on hurting her on complete purpose! I'm not even ssure if we heard his words correctly or not!" Rayan raised her hands in defeat as she tried to apologies.

Jian stood there, frozen, mad, and most importantly ready to take aim as if she wasn't even alive.

Rayan was basically tearing up while trying to hold Tanya up.

"Rayan." Jian called out. The tone on her voice was frightening.

"Y-yes? Don't kill me please." Rayan pleaded.

Jian smiled like a murderer finding their victim on a corner, she took out the revolver in her pocket and asked, "where is 'our father'?"

"In the building that I planted bombs in." Rayan quickly answered as she tried to carry Tanya up by the shoulder.

Tanya groaned, whincing as she held unto her stomach while tiredly glancing around her.

"What happened..?" Tanya was able to mutter a question though.

"You fainted." She heard an answer infront of her. Glancing up she saw Jian with a wide smile.

"Jian..." Tanya muttered, before continuing it with, "whoever made you mad, forget it. Let's just go."

"What??? But she made Rayan almost kill you!" Jian whinned.

Tanya hicced when she felt a sudden flick of pain by her shoulder.

"Perhaps running a little too much and especially when i'm injured wasn't the best pursuit to do..." Tanya complained.

Jian pouted, before sighing as she went to assist Tanya.

"A company of five are looking for us." Jian muttered.

"A what!!?" It made Tanya surprised.

Jian stuck a tounge out while assisting Tanya towards the plane that was still waiting in mid-air for them.

"If I get called in for a private meeting with sir. Maxiliam, I will kill you..!" Tanya growled.

"Relax! I told him a bit on what I was going to do before 'doing' all of this!" Jian said.

Tanya whinced as she tried to continue on the walk.

"We're almost there. Hey Rayan, can you carry Tanya inside the plane? I need to call them over to come back." Jian asked.

Rayan nodded and without a doubt or hesitation on carrying Tanya up.

"W-wait...what are you doing..?" Tanya muttered.

"Jian said I have to carry you since you're injured. And ofcourse i'd say yes, Tanya." Rayan answered.

Tanya sighed, before mumbling, "this is embarrasing..."

Where'd He Get My Vessel? (youjo senki)(saga of Tanya the evil)Where stories live. Discover now