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The day before the gala of winning the war

"Tanya! Look, look, look!" Jian yelled as he pointed over to the tigers that were out of their reach.

Tanya snickered.

"You can be really childish for an older brother." He commented as he held unto Rayan's arm.

Rayan didn't really like going to public places all too much when needed, but he does like having fun dates with his brothers though.

"Aw, c'mon! You've gotta at least have some sort of energy to feel young!?" Jian pouted as he poked slightly on Tanya's cheek.

Rayan giggled, placing his hand inside his pocket as they began to realize of the people staring at them.

Before being crowded by young women who were probably in their teenage years or 20s. Nevertheless, they had to get away from them somehow or their small playdate was going to be ruined.


After a quick fit of tricking and running away without getting caught, they were able to rest under the shade of a tree with a small dessert parlor beside it.

"Man... running has really been easy, huh..?" Rayan hummed.

Tanya chuckled under his very little breather.

"I guess all those running and jogging had something in it after all." Tanya said as he rested his back on the wooden bench.

Rayan laughed slightly as he looked over to the small playground from afar.

"Kids nowadays never seem to understand what's tiredness now." Tanya commented.

The two continued their small chain of talks before getting surprised by something really cold touching the back of their defenseless bare necks.

With a shriek, the two backed away.

Jian laughed out loud as he held three sticks of ice cream in front of his face.

"Jian! Don't do that, you scared me and that was really cold!" Rayan whined.

Jian apologized and handed their treats.

"We should lessen our intake of sugar from now on, ok?" Tanya said as he threw half of the treat into the trash.

Jian rolled his eyes and agreed with Rayan.

Tanya hummed before standing back up.

"Well, it's already near afternoon, we should be on our way home by now." He said afterwards.

Jian and Rayan followed behind him with both of them surprising Tanya when they shared both his hands and locking it in place with their hand, more so over just them holding hands with him.

"What is this..?" Tanya asked with a stern voice while her pace in walking continued.

"You wouldn't want us suddenly wandering off, right?" Jian smirked as he held Tanya's hand slightly in the air.

Tanya scoffed up a smile and laughed.

"Yep, I would be pretty mad if any of you two suddenly wandered off on your own and to come back near dinner time." He said after rolling his eyes.

"I'm quite sorry for when I suddenly disappeared the whole afternoon last time really, I just thought that you two went somewhere and were going to come back eventually so I waited before deciding to go home when it was almost dinner time." Rayan said in a depressing monotoned voice.

Tanya sighed, patting Rayan's head in response. Rayan blushed slightly in embarrassment.

"It was my fault, not yours...since as the second oldest and youngest, or moreover the middle child, I should've kept an eye on the younger one before me." Tanya said.

"And I suppose I'm also sorry for getting distracted one time to not even realize you two began to walk off without me." Jian shrugged.

"Yes, it was definitely your fault." Tanya deadpanned Jian back.

Jian laughed, ruffling Tanya's hair in which case he only earned back a smack in the head for that.

Still, he laughed over it in amusement.

"D-Don't hit each other!" Rayan freaked out slightly when Tanya got annoyed.

Tanya sighed.

"Sorry, sorry..." He muttered.

Jian's charming smile didn't fade as he swung Tanya's right arm in amusement.

Tanya didn't really mind since he got used to that sort of thing.

"Do we look all too manly just like mother told us..?" A sudden question abruptly took the quietness of the two.

"I suppose so." Tanya shrugged.

"If we look at a mirror we can definitely tell that God just straight up changed our gender like casting a 'gender switch a roo spell'!" Jian answered.

The three continued to walk until the three heard an all too familiar squeal.

They began running as soon as they heard that which was then followed by sudden joyful screaming and running behind them.

Boy was they in a rush.

Turning a corner, they saw three ways that all lead to the exit either way.

"Split up." Tanya said as he continued to run forward.

His other two brothers parting ways, making the crowd smaller behind each and every one of them.

How surprising I'd write this down.

Tanya leaped over a few boxes stacked in the middle and dodged a sudden woman who came dashing for a hug.

Tanya shriveled as he continued to run to the main entrance and exit.

There he called over a taxi which stopped abruptly in front of the gate.

"Oh, hey! Just in time!" Jian smiled and tossed a box he was wrapping while running.

It wasn't really anything. It was just a box with a letter in it, somehow wrapped neatly with wrapping paper with little heart-shaped designs.

Tanya held unto the open door, followed by Jian hopping in.

"Starts driving, sir, please!" Jian said as he got comfy on his seat.

"Don't make your pace too fast, sir." Tanya said as he then saw Rayan who had teary eyes.

"Uwah! Help!!" Rayan was crying when he got near his brothers who jumped in and followed by Rayan who was able to jump just in time as soon as the taxi began to drive off.

Luckily Tanya was still outside by the car door, and there he was able to pull Rayan in along side himself before shutting the door.

Tanya and the driver exchanged small details of the destination while Jian comforted Rayan who was on the verge of crying out loud.

"There, there, you saw Tanya near the open door so it would mean that we weren't leaving you." Jian said.

"Leaving him? Who said anything about leaving him?" Tanya said as he patted Rayan's shoulder.

Where'd He Get My Vessel? (youjo senki)(saga of Tanya the evil)Where stories live. Discover now