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"Help! Help me, please!" Screamed the little girl. She was running like her life depended on it, going through the trees and almost tripping over branches. "Someone help me." She tried again. She couldn't see anyone. There wasn't a single person that could help her. I shouldn't be here, was what kept going in her head. I should be at home.

She didn't stop running, nor did she stop glancing over her shoulder to see if she still was being chased. She was so focused on what was behind her that she didn't notice the figure in front of her until she ran into the person. She fell on the floor, immediately feeling pain in her left hand. Ignoring it, she looked up to see who was there.

"Ma?" Asked Amelia, relieved to see a familiar face.

"Why were you running and screaming?" Her mother inquired roughly, not seeming worried at all.

"There was someone here, I didn't see who it was but I got scared and ran." She explained, breathing hard because she was not accustomed to long runs. Tears running down on her small face.

"If you didn't see anyone, how did you know there was someone there?" The woman asked suspiciously.

"I heard the sound of footsteps, and it was too loud to be an animal. I could smell their scent in the wind as well." The young girl answered honestly, even if she doubted her mother would believe her. Although what happened next made her think that her mother did, in fact, believe her but didn't like what she had heard. The mother pulled the girl by her arm and made her stand up. Looking directly at her eyes she said something that the child would never forget.

"You never, ever," She emphasized "talk about this. You won't tell anyone and you will stop doing it. It is not normal and a lady is not able to hear footsteps or smell scents in the wind. Do you hear me?" She shook the little girl, her eyes almost blazing in anger. "You will pretend it isn't real until it isn't anymore. Say it, say you understand."

At the sight of the mad woman before her, the girl couldn't do anything besides nod her head vigorously as more tears threatened to escape her eyes. "I understand, Ma. I will never bring this up again." Amelia vowed and lowered her head. It was only when she saw a sharp stone with blood on it that she remembered that her hand had been injured. The small cut was dripping blood but hadn't really hurt until then

"You better not." Her mother threatened, looking seriously at her. "Now let's go home and clean your mess." She walked toward their house which was only a few meters away, once they were in the backyard Amelia felt eyes on her.

She never brought the topic up as she promised, but she knew that what she felt was real. That feeling of being watched, that someone was lurking in the shadows and waiting for the best time to attack- that feeling was real. Amelia was just seven years old at that time but today she had the same feeling at the forbidden forest. And this time, just like the other, she knew she was not alone.

A/n: consider voting on this chapter, it helps a lot <3

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