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Ethan looked at Amelia and directed to her. "If you will hear me this time, please don't be scared of what you are about to see. No one here is going to hurt you. I promise that." It seemed really important to him that Amelia trusted him.

"He is here," Taylor said making the others break the intense eye contact. "You will see it, now." She pointed at the big window that was in the right wall, opposite the door. Amelia could see that Matthew was there, in the backyard taking off his clothes. She looked away, angry.

"What the hell is he doing?" She sounded offended.

"Just look at the damn window, Amelia. I swear to God, just to it." His eyes grew brighter for a second and Amelia was taken back by it. Something inside her was urging her to obey him, it was not so strong that she couldn't fight the feeling, but it was new. She decided to see what was going on.

When she turned again to the window Matthew was only in his underwear. She was feeling bad looking at him like this, it had to be the most of a man's skin she had ever seen. She could feel her cheeks burning from embarrassment. But none of it lasted long. Because in a matter of seconds, Matthew disappeared, and in his place was a huge wolf.

Amelia didn't notice she was moving back till her back hit a hard chest. She yelled at the contact and looked to see it was Ethan. He watched as her eyes were wide open, her mouth agape from pure terror. "Hey, it is okay. He won't hurt you. He is in total control of this form. You are safe." He tried to calm her.

"He just..." She seemed lost of words. "The wolf, he is Matthew. He just shifted. Oh my God, this is impossible. This can't be real." She was speaking fast not looking at anything for more than one second, moving her hands around. Ethan took her face in his hands smoothly and make her stare at his eyes.

"Look at me, Amelia. You are safe here. We aren't going to hurt you, we are going to protect you. No wolf and no hunter can cause you any harm here." He assured, slowly making her stop all her frenetic movements and only stare at his beautiful golden eyes.

There was something about his voice. Something Amelia didn't understand. It was a feeling, one she never had before. It was like this sense of calmness was being passed from him to her.

Lost in his gaze, she didn't fight the new feeling. She welcomed it. Slowly, her breathing was calming down, no more having the distressing feeling that she couldn't breathe. Her heart - once beating so hard it physically hurt - beat by beat was coming back to a normal pace.

Ethan's words had a power on her, that was unknown to Amelia. Yet, she wasn't afraid of it.

"Okay." She whispered and she couldn't believe he managed to calm her down so easily. She looked again at the window and the wolf - Matthew - was now laying on the floor, shaking his head to scare away a butterfly that was flying around him. He seemed so relaxed, and if it wasn't for his size of two adult humans he could look like a pup.

"So... This is a werewolf?" She asked softly turning and realizing that Ethan still had his hands in her face, her heartbeat accelerated, but this time, it wasn't because of fear. He smiled at her newfound tranquillity.

"Yes, this is a werewolf in his wolf form." He tilted his head a little, his right thumb caressing her cheeks. "But Matthew is still a werewolf when he is not shifted. You understand now what I said? We don't mean any harm to you or anyone else, most of the werewolves don't. Only a few use their natural advantage for evil, but it is the same with humans."

That was when everything came into her mind. All the lectures her mother had given at the countless cults she was forced to go, all the damage and the terrible stories she heard. They have the power to enter your mind. She heard the voice of her mother in her head. They will seduce you and turn you into one of them.

Amelia didn't know what to do, who to believe. Ethan could see when her calm physiognomy turned into a confused and then into a horrified one. "It's okay. I swear no one will hurt you." Lies, the voice in her head screamed. Her breathing was quick and heavy, and her heart was beating as fast as Hummingbird's wings.

She looked at Ethan's eyes begging them to calm her down as it did before but all she saw was the golden amber color that was so like her own eyes. She remembered all the times her mother told her how they weren't beautiful and could disturb people, that was one of the reasons she was always with her head down. Suddenly she didn't find his eyes pretty anymore, she was disgusted. He is a werewolf, he will kill you. This time it was her own voice she heard in her head while moving away from his touch. Or worse, he will change you and you will be a monster like them.

Her mother would never forgive her if she was turned into one of them, she would be the shame of the family. If you ever get caught, make them kill you, but never return home as one of them. She remembered the day her mother said it to her as if it was yesterday, even if she was only twelve at the time.  But she never forgot the look in her mother's face, the sincerity, the rigidity, nor would she forgot when she promised it back.

She never thought this day would arrive, she was not prepared for it, and for a second, she cursed Taylor for saving her in the forest. She was at peace, and she had accepted that her life would end. But now she wanted to live. They had made her feel hope, they made her feel welcomed in their home and those were feelings she never had before. And all this for what? Make me a beast and condemn me to live with them?

At this thought, she felt the adrenaline running through her veins. She knew her chances weren't high against them but she would be damned if she didn't try. She was determined. She could make it and run away or she would die.

When she glanced at Ethan she saw the hurt look he had, his hands still in the air as if waiting for her to return to his touch. Taylor had an anxious expression, looking so worried with Amelia that she almost regretted her decision. Almost.

With a last glance over her shoulder to see that Matthew was still on the other side of the house, she threw her body forward, taking advantage of the moment where both Taylor and Ethan were extremely shocked to pass between them and ran for the door.

After passing through the door she saw a corridor, looking at both sides quickly she ran to the left where she saw an open door that should lead to the living room because of the sunlight illuminating the corridor through it. Before she arrived at the next door she heard Ethan calling her name and their footsteps following her.

She was right about the living room, she noticed with relief, but the emotion didn't last much because she could hear them getting closer now. As she was running to the front door they reached her. When she was almost touching it she felt a hand in her right arm pulling her back to a hard chest.

"You can't go back to the forest, for all we know there may be hunters out there. You don't get it, Amelia? They know who you are and they won't stop until you are dead." Stressed Ethan still holding her arm strong enough for her to not run away but making sure to not hurt her. "We are not the villains here, they are. We just want you to be safe and to know the truth." His breathing was fast and his voice was lower this time, frustrated even. He looked at her eyes pleading her to believe him.

Amelia never felt so confused in her whole life. All her memories, all her senses screamed that they were bad and she needed to go back to her house, but she couldn't bring herself to get out of his embrace. There was something stronger that made her feel like she was exactly where she should be. She stared at his eyes, bright again and she saw him looking at her as if she was important, showing worry for her well-being, a look she wasn't used to. And at this, she burst into tears.

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