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The daylight entered through the curtain. The sunshine in her left cheek made it feel warm. For a quick second, Amelia thought she was late, she opened her eyes wide looking around sure that her mother would come in any second to yell at her for being lazy, but she found herself in a different room from the one she slept every night since she was a kid. Sighing at the relief,  Amelia relaxed against the white sheets and stretched out, smiling at the soft feeling of the bed. The smell of bacon and toasts filled the room, and her stomach rumbled.

She stayed in bed for a few more minutes, enjoying the new freedom even in the smallest details. It all was new to her, a comfy bed, a room only for her, waking up to the smell of food and not having to do it herself, the friendly feeling this place gave to her. And she would be damned if she didn't enjoy it as much as she could.

The sound of different voices and the front door opening and closing made Amelia remember that she was still to meet the rest of the pack. She got nervous but got up from the bed and went to the bathroom without giving her nervousness time to confuse her mind.

Seeing that she didn't have any of her things there, she needed to be creative. Using the mouthwash to do the minimum work of a toothbrush, and improvising a hair tie with a lilac ribbon - that should have been used to wrap a gift- making a bow, tying her hair up in a ponytail, she was ready to face the strangers. Or she told herself so.

Glancing a last time in the mirror, she noticed the light pink color in her cheeks, she appeared more healthy than she could ever remember. This made her notice that her head wasn't hurting anymore. Not even a little. She stirred her body to the left and then to the right to test her ribs, seeing that they were still a little sore, but a lot better than yesterday.

That's it. She thought, there were no more reasons to delay the encounter. She could feel her heart beating faster, but this time it wasn't because of despair. It was anxious, curious even. It didn't scare her, on the contrary, it was the feeling she had when she would sneak out of her daily tasks to run to the book store to do what she really loved. The only good feeling she had experimented in her - hopefully - old life.

The uncertainty of what her life would be from now on was still on the back of her mind, but she didn't want to overthink anything. She would do as planned and see what happens.

After a deep breath, Amelia came out of the room. The sound of voices and the smell of breakfast were now stronger. She followed them and arrived in the kitchen.

The scene in front of her was one she would see in the few movies her mother allowed her and her siblings to see.

There were 4 people sitting on the counter chairs, Ethan, Taylor, Matthew, and a dark-skinned man that she didn't know. His dark hair was messy and his head was resting at the table as if he didn't get enough sleep during the night.

There was a girl, her hair was like honey, with sweet waves falling in her back. She was picking up plates and cutlery. When she turned around to put it in the table she made direct eye contact with Amelia, leaving the girl nervous.

"Oh, here she is. Hey, darling. I am Vanessa, but you can call me Ness." She gave Amelia a big smile and walked in her direction making her freeze in her spot waiting to see what she would do, but not expecting the tight hug the blonde gave her.

For a few seconds, Amelia stood still, not knowing what to do, but then she relaxed and involved her arms awkwardly around her.

"Ness," Ethan's voice in a firm tone interrupted the embrace. "We talked about this." He continued scolding Vanessa, and Amelia got curious about what Ethan may have said to them about her.

Ness let Amelia go and looked at Ethan with an annoyed face. "I am only welcoming her in the family. I don't want her first impression to be bad. Calm down, alpha." She pronounced the last word with irony and Amelia couldn't hide her amused smile before Ethan noticed.

"And you think it's funny, eh?" He tried to pretend to be upset but he couldn't hide his own happiness seeing Amelia so relaxed.

"See?" Vanessa teased. "She likes me, so shut it." She put her arm over Amelia's shoulder. "So, Lia... I can call you Lia, right?" The nickname was new to Amelia, but she liked how it sounded. So she nodded her head and smiled. "Great. So, Lia, this one there is my mate, George." She pointed at the tall dark-skinned man with short-cropped hair that was putting the last bacon on the plate.

"Your... mate?" Amelia asked tentatively. Her voice small, trying to find her place among the group.

"My boyfriend. We will explain this later." Ness said and Amelia nodded softly.

George - who was already looking at Amelia and her interaction with his girlfriend - smiled friendly at the introduction. "It's really nice to meet you, Omega. Feel free to grab your breakfast. I swear I am a good cook. That's why they make me do all the cooking here." He said the last part whispering as if it was a secret and received a push from a giggling Taylor.

"Omega?" Amelia asked confused. They all looked at her with smiles.

"Oh, yes. You are totally an omega." Vanessa affirmed, still by her side.

"How you guys now it?" She thought it would take more days to find out, for what Taylor and Ethan said to her.

"You remember what we said yesterday? About how it influences in the pack?" Taylor asked but didn't wait for an answer. "So, after Vanessa joined the pack it felt a little unbalanced. Too many betas and only one omega. Nothing major, but with you here last night it felt light again." She explained.

"Yes, best night of sleep in ages. Thank you, newbie." The dark-haired man spoke for the first time, raising his head from the table and looking at Amelia. "Even if it was not enough for all the nights awake, it still was a good first impression." He smiled kindly and chuckled.

"I am... happy?" Amelia offered hesitant, not being sure what to say making all the wolves in the room laugh. She smiled content at herself. It all was going a lot better than she hoped.

"Alright, we can talk while eating, or the food will get cold." George said making Vanessa let go of Amelia and run to sit beside him. Amelia looked around feeling a bit displaced until Taylor motioned the empty seat beside her and smiled at the newfound omega.

She sat between Taylor and the sleep-deprived that introduced himself as Henry, George's brother. He was a doctor but was still studying to be a surgeon, that's why he sleeps so little and was so tired. He told how happy he was that Amelia was there now because everything would be better.

She looked around the table, seeing them all talking about silly things and laughing at each other. Ethan looked at her for a moment and gave her that sweet smile she was getting used to, even if it was only her second day with them.

She took a deep breath and started eating, not wasting time thinking about every detail or the fact that she was getting accustomed to them too easy and very fast, maybe even faster than she should. At that moment she was content, and if it was what a family looked like, she was more than happy to be a part of it.

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