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"They are here!" Taylor shouted, running to the door to greet her parents.

Amelia was in Juliette's bedroom, standing behind her, as the girl sat in a chair, braiding her hair.

"What is bothering you?" Amelia asked when she noticed her sister's legs bouncing. The girl stopped immediately, but then started playing with her fingers.

"Meghan will be here today." Amelia's hand stopped moving for a second, meeting Juliette's eyes in the mirror.

"Are you going to ask her out?" She asked excited at the thought of her sister finally making a move on the girl she had been crushing for months.

Meghan was Lily's cousin. One of the few humans who frequented the pack's house. But she definitively started visiting more often after she met Juliette. The two of them had bonded instantly, and the new feelings growing toward the girl scared Juliette at first.

It took a lot of conversation between her and her sister, but especially with Taylor for the girl to understand that it was okay to like other girls.

But even when self prejudice was not the case anymore, Juliette was too shy to act on her feelings, making both Taylor and Amelia frustrated.

"Amelia! You know I can't just do that. What if she doesn't like girls and things I am crazy and stops being my friend?" She rushed the words out her mouth, frowning at her sister.

"I have eyes. And by the way she looks at you she sure as hell like girls. Or at least this girl." Amelia poked her sister cheek making the girl laugh.

"Are you girls ready?" Ethan asked after knocking the door and being allowed to come in.

"Yes." Amelia finished tying her sister's braid and she stood up.

"Wow! You two look amazing." He said making Juliette blush and Amelia giggle at her sister. Somewhere outside, Lilly called her saying Meghan had arrived. The girl looked at Amelia wide-eyed, and after receiving thumbs up and an 'It's your chance!' from her sister she ran out of the room.

Ethan chuckled at the scared but excited girl, shaking his head and turning to Amelia again. "And you, my love, look ravishing as always." He whispered slowly approaching her and holding her waist.

She was wearing an orange summer dress, that ended just above her knees and Anabela shoes. She smirked at her mate, openly staring him up and down in his jeans and black shirt, tight in his biceps.

"And you look hot." She whispered back exaggerating in her tone making him laugh, but blush, exactly what she wanted.

"Ready to face the whole family?" He asked. Amelia playfully rolled her eyes.

"'When you will get married?' 'Are you two planning on the baby already?'" Amelia mocked the questions they certainly would hear the whole day and pretended to scoff. "I guess I can take it. As long as you don't leave me alone with your aunt, you know the one I am talking about. I can't listen to the 'a new alpha need to be trained' speech. I swear to God." She rested her head on his shoulder.

"I will save you from her, I promise." He chuckled, kissing her hair. "Let's go?" He stared at her, his eyes almost shining, like always when they were looking at his mate, the love of his life.

"Let's do this." She answered and pressed her lips to his, knowing they wouldn't see each other so much during the evening, with all the guests they were receiving.

"Lia! Look." Taylor came from nowhere startling the omega a few hours later, pointing something a few meters from them.

It was Juliette. In her white blouse and jeans. And beside her, looking awkward but happy, Meghan. Amelia held her breath and looked at Taylor with wide eyes, who returned the glance nodding her head at the unspoken question.

"Jules just asked Meghan out on a date. Can you believe it? After all this time..." Amelia did her best to not scream from happiness right at that moment.

"And she said yes?" She asked turning again at the two teenagers.

"You bet she did. She would not be crazy to turn a girl like Jules down. And by the look in her face when she was asked, she was as shocked as us." The beta was looking at the girls with a big smile on her lips. "Oh my God! I still can't believe she finally had the courage."

"We are such good moms." Amelia said as they did a fist bump without breaking their stare at the girls.

"Talking about moms," She turned to Amelia with a smirk, Amelia internally groaned. "How many times were you asked to give us the next alpha?" Taylor loved to tease her friend about it because the pressure to have babies was always worst when you or your mate were the alpha.

"Don't even make me think about it. I am seriously thinking about having a baby just to shut them up." She joked.

"And then they would pester you for the second kid." Taylor enunciated after thinking for a few seconds.

"I guess you are right." They giggled.

They moved to the food table to grab some sandwiches George spend the whole morning preparing.

"How is college?" Taylor asked.

"Oh, it is a dream. Matthew is surprisingly the best study mate. He is super excited for the new semester."

After a year working at the clinic, Amelia finally found out what she wanted for herself. English literature. Her love for books could be something she used to help others. Either in a publishing company or at a school. The surprise came when Matt got a liking in the subjects she was studying and started to study with her. When both were accepted at the university there was a party at the pack's house for them.

Matt worked with his dad at his store, and never knew what he wanted to do until that moment. He still says Amelia was sent from heaven to their family because she made everything better.

From the other side of the backyard, they could see Ethan looking in their way and wave his hand asking for her to go there.

"And there is the clingy alpha. I am surprised he didn't stick to you the whole afternoon." Taylor teased and Amelia playful shoved her friend with her shoulder.

"You say as if you and Lilly weren't the same. Maybe even worse." She chuckled, finishing her sandwich and threw her napkin in the bin. "Now, if you excuse me I have a clingy mate to keep company and awkward questions to answer." They laughed and Amelia went in her mate's direction, seeing his lips open in a smile as soon as he noticed his girlfriend making her way toward him.

Arriving there, she hugged his torso, kissing his cheek, while he sneaked his arm around her body, looking lovingly at her. She turned her head to talk to his parents, already knowing what the conversation would lead to, but happy nonetheless. One day they will have a solid answer to those questions, but until then, life was already perfect as it was and she would be damned if she didn't enjoy every moment of it.

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