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The words left her mouth quickly before her shyness could stop her.

This was her most recent theory. After spending the night before, and the whole day thinking about what Matt said, this was the most logical conclusion she could come up with. But it didn't change the fact that, if she was wrong, the rejection that was to come would be disastrous.

"You... how do you... how did you know?" By the sound of his astonished voice, Ethan was not expecting Amelia to anticipate his words.

For a brief second, Amelia could swear her heart skipped a beat. But the heartbeat came back faster than ever. She was right. They were mates.

Holy mother of God, what does it means? Amelia's mind was blank. Sure, she had thought about it - and longed for it to be real. But hearing him confirming it was something completely different. She didn't know what to do or say.

"I just connected the dots." She was distant, in her own mind when she remembered how this conversation started. "But I still don't understand what the pull is and what it has to do with anything."

"When you find the person you are meant to be - if you are a werewolf, of course - you will feel this instant connection. An attraction stronger than anything you've felt before, and it will pull you towards that person." He wasn't looking at Amelia, his eyes were focused on the ground as if he was remembering his own experience.

Amelia thought back to the night she first saw Ethan, the emotions she felt. The lure towards him.

Ethan then stopped, grabbing Amelia's wrist gently when she continued walking, not noticing him. She looked at him, who stepped in her direction stopping in front of her, never letting go of her wrist, but now caressing her skin with his thumb.

"You felt it too, right? That day, in front of the clinic." His eyes staring directly at hers, with so much sentiment it was enervating. But she didn't look away. "Maybe it wasn't as strong because your senses were too deep inside you, but you felt something. Didn't you?" It was hope. The emotion in his eyes. Amelia realized.

"I felt it." She whispered, moving her hand to hold his. He intertwined their hands, giving her a relieved smile.

"I felt it too. I was so thrilled to have finally met you. I wanted to go talk with you right there and then, but it wasn't the best moment. Your mother was there and I was a mess." He confessed. "I would probably make a fool of myself if I had tried to talk to you at that moment." He chuckled and Amelia smiled amused, finding it hard to imagine the big strong alpha looking like a fool. All because of her. She sighed.

"I couldn't even sleep that night. I couldn't believe this. I had finally found my mate and she was the prettiest girl in the world. I was just rolling around in my bed, smiling like an idiot planning what I would say to you the next day. Because I sure as hell would not spend another day without you." But then his expression turned to a serious one, almost in pain.

"The next day, I would look out the window to try to see you every five minutes. I noticed the board in front of your house, and only then I realized who you were talking with the night before." He frowned. "I was confused about what that meant to you, to us. And I was scared. If you deny your nature, you would not want a werewolf mate." Amelia's face was a mirror to his, but her expression had a bit more guilt. She squeezed his hand.

"And then Taylor called me. It was her day off so it wasn't normal for her to call the clinic. She told me she found you hurt in the forest, that you were chased by that hunter and that she was taking you to the hospital." This information left Amelia confused.

"I said for her to come back home and I left the clinic as fast as I could. We helped you and I didn't leave you for more than five minutes until you woke up." Amelia's eyes softened imagining how worried he must have been.

"Matthew was hard. He kept trying to make me see you could be a threat. That you could expose us to that cult and the hunter would come for us." He took a deep breath. "I wasn't thinking as an alpha back then. I was thinking like a man who was worried sick with his mate and would do anything to protect her." His words brought tears to her eyes.

"He was right, of course. We needed to evaluate the pros and cons, but I could never do anything against you. Matthew doesn't understand how it feels, but Taylor does, and she took my side." He finally opened a small smile. "And now he is like a puppy, running after you and always worried about you." He chuckled.

Amelia smiled, relieved that the sad part of the story was over. She looked down, at their still connected hands. She liked the feeling of his bigger hand engulfing hers.

"This is nice." She admitted smiling.

"Very nice," Ethan answered in the same low voice as her. He brought his other hand to touch lightly her chin and lift her head, looking at him. "But you know that it doesn't have to mean anything, right?" When Amelia's eyes widened he was quick to explain himself.

"I mean that you aren't obligated to do anything just because we are mates. It is a relationship like all others. We just are more sure about it. The perks of having a soulmate." He tried to lighten the mood.

"I know that. And I don't feel obliged to do anything. And it is not like I haven't fallen hard for you since day one." That's it. She said the words her heart was keeping to itself.

Ethan's breath was caught in his throat, eyes widening. As her words sink in, the heat was spreading through his neck, ears, and cheeks. But the only thing Amelia paid attention to was the big smile adorning his lips and the sound of his enthusiastic laughter.

When he stopped laughing - but still showing her the biggest smile she ever saw in his face - the hand that was barely touching her chin moved to grab her cheek entirely, caressing her with his thumb. Looking at her like she was the one who put stars in the sky.

His face fell toward her. Their foreheads touching, his eyes closed. Savoring the moment. Amelia admired his face. Free of worries, not having to put on the 'I'm the boss' face, he looked even more angelic. If it is even possible. Amelia thought.

She didn't want to ruin the moment, but she felt the need to make things as clear as she could. So, after a couple of minutes, she pulled away just enough for him to open his eyes and look at her. The sparkle in his hazel eyes almost made her gave up on what she had to say, but she knew she would regret it.

"I am happy we figured it out and that there are no more big secrets between us." She began, but Ethan could pick up on her tone.

"Why do I feel like there is a 'but' coming?" He asked narrowing his eyes at her.

"Because there is." She sighed. "I really am in love with you. And as scary as it is to say those words it is true, and I trust you." The alpha could not help but smile hearing she says for the first time a direct declaration of her love. "But I don't feel like this is the right time. With everything that is still going on, and all I have to figure out. I don't want this to be the moment we will start something that is supposed to be beautiful." She put her heart out for him to understand her, and she felt secure that he would.

"I got it. I swear I do." He assured her, dropping the hand that was in her face, but holding hers not wanting to lose the contact with her colder skin. "This is the reason I kept this subject for so long. And that's okay. Really. I've waited for you for twenty-four years. I can give you more time, all you want." Was it possible to fall in love with the same person over and over again? Amelia was sure that she could.

"Thank you. Really. This means a lot. I just need more time to get my life right, and then I am all yours." And she meant every word.

Ethan smiled. "That works for me."

And in their way back home, still holding hands over the console of the car, Amelia was lost in thoughts thinking about how amazing it would be to be with him. She smiled looking at their intertwined hands. It was already perfect. 

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